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<br /> RllIlI.\' I :r COIIII/l'ulride Flllel:~~"l/n' Opera/ions P/an Rn'isiiJII5./. ./1111". .!(J1I5 <br />. <br /> GENERAL DUTIES OF INCIDENT COMMAND STAFF FUNCTIONS <br /> Source: United States Department of Home/and Security - Federal Emergency <br /> Management Agency <br /> Comments: <br /> For all incidents, a command team comprised of the incident commander, appropriate command <br /> and general staff personnel is assigned. (Sources: FIRESCOPE and NIMS) <br /> Incident Commander (IC)/Unified Command (UC): <br /> The Incident Commander's responsibility is the overall management of the incident (to which it is <br /> assigned). On most incidents, the command activity is carried out by a single Incident <br /> Commander. Complex or multi-jurisdictional/multi-agency incidents may require several leaders <br /> and subject matter experts to work together on the command functions. This is the Unified <br /> Command (UC). The Incident Commander is selected by qualifications and experience. The <br /> Incident Commander may have a deputy, who may be from the same agency, or from an <br /> assisting agency. Deputies may also be used at section and branch levels of the ICS <br /> organization. Deputies must have the same qualifications as the person for whom they work, as <br />. they must be ready to take over that position at any time. Depending on the extent of the Incident <br /> Management team needed, this area of management may also have under its purview an <br /> Information Officer, Liaison Officer, Agency Representative(s), and Safety Officer. <br /> Public Information Officer (PIO) <br /> Each agency and jurisdiction will designate a Public Information Officer (PIO). The PIO is <br /> responsible for interfacing with the public and media and/or with other agencies with incident- <br /> related information requirements. The PIO develops accurate and complete information on the <br /> incident's cause, size, and current situation; resources committed: and other matters of general <br /> interest for both internal and external consumption. The PIO may also perform a key public <br /> information-monitoring role. Whether the command structure is single or unified, only one incident <br /> PIO should be designated. Assistants may be assigned from other agencies or departments <br /> involved. The IC must approve the release of all incident-related information. <br /> Liaison Officer (LNO) <br /> The LNO is the point of contact for representatives of other governmental agencies, <br /> nongovernmental organizations, and/or private entities. In either a single or UC structure, <br /> representatives from assisting or cooperating agencies and organizations coordinate through the <br /> LNO. Agency and/or organizational representatives assigned to an incident must have the <br /> authority to speak for their parent agencies and/or organizations on all matters, following <br /> appropriate consultations with their agency leadership. Assistants and personnel from other <br /> agencies or organizations (public or private) involved in incident management activities may be <br /> assigned to the LNO to facilitate coordination. <br /> Safety Officer (SO) <br />. The SO monitors incident operations and advises the IC on all matters relating to operational <br /> srlfetv. includina the herllth rind srlfetv of emerm'!nr.v resoonder oersonnel The Illtirnrltp. <br /> .\1 <br />