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<br /> Ram"T CO//llf\'./Vid" f:lI1t'rgcIIC\' Operafions Plall RCl'i.l'iOfl 5.1. .ll/flC. 2005 <br /> . County Manager <br /> As detailed elsewhere in this plan, the County Manager will assume the <br /> role of Incident Manager for all emergencies and disasters as soon as <br /> s/he can respond and unless and until s/he delegates that role to another <br /> Department Head (e.g. the Director of the St. Paul Ramsey County <br /> Department of Public Health, the County Sheriff, or the Director of <br /> Emergency Management and Homeland Security). <br /> The County Manager has specific roles in the event of emergency as <br /> outlined in the Charter and the Administrative Code of the County. The <br /> County Manager can; <br /> . Authorize emergency expenditures <br /> . Authorize the closing of county offices, facilities or departments <br /> . Take "such action as necessary and notify as soon as possible the <br /> chair of the county board." (Code, Chapter 3.30.00 f). <br /> . Serve as or designate the Incident Manager for county-based <br /> response and recovery efforts <br /> All County Departments <br /> . All Ramsey County facilities will develop a critical incident response and <br /> recovery plan for the facility. In multiple-tenant occupied facilities the <br /> tenants will cooperatively develop a facility wide critical incident plan. Each <br /> department will develop a critical incident response plan and an <br /> operational continuity and recovery plan for their department. <br /> The critical incident plan will encompass the following elements: <br /> . Direction and Control, the methods of managing resources, <br /> analyzing information and making decisions will be used; <br /> . Communications, the methods of communicating with staff, <br /> citizens, and outside organizations will be used; <br /> . Life Safety, the methods of protecting the health and safety of <br /> everyone in and around the facility will be used; <br /> . Property Protection, the methods of protecting the facilities, <br /> equipment and vital records will be used; <br /> . Community Outreach, the methods of building community trust in <br /> County operations will be used; and <br /> . Recovery and Restoration, the methods of providing public and <br /> employee trauma assistance or restoring operations will be used; <br /> and Administration/Logistics/Relocation, the methods of ensuring <br /> . complete and accurate procedures and records will be used. <br /> Source: County Board Resolution 95-259. <br /> 53 <br />