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<br /> f<(/fIlS(T CUllllfY Wide 1-'-111''1',1:''1/''.1' Opera/io/1s 1'/(/1/ f<cl'isiul/ 5.1, ./III/t', ::0(15 <br /> r - - ---- _____..___.n . <br /> L:O(~ Ph~lIl~_: <br /> l~- ----- F~('i,;'d'-' .-[.--- J <br /> ! '_. .,-;-~\',\, .----" -..-- <br /> [ <br /> Thc Arden llills EOC will he panially activated due to Pl)tential threat to <br /> lili:: or property from severe "'l.'athcr. civil disturbancc, hazardous matcrials <br /> , incident and/or terrorist activity. <br /> i <br /> I <br /> I The EOC will he fully acti";lled in response to actual emergencies <br /> engel1lkred by any of the above and/or incidents involving response to the <br /> I arl.'a by state ur federal agcncies. <br /> i <br /> I The FOe may be activated in rl.'sponse 10 incidents in surrounding areas. <br /> I Thc Arden Hills Emcrgeney IVlanagcment Director is rcsponsible for <br /> L'Ilsurill!! that the Foe is activated. All ArdL'llllills EOe StaJTare expected <br /> , ~ <br /> 1'0'"'''0",1 to the EOe when e,enl> ,neh as ,ho,e abo'c oeeUl <br /> i HJC Stattmg lr~ts arc Iln 11.1e With thc Ardcn I'hlls Emergcncy <br /> I I'vlanageml.'nt Director and lI1c1udl.'s: <br /> I · 1\1avor <br /> ! · City Admllllstr:ltor lll- ASSIstant . <br /> I . Planncr <br /> . City Accountant <br /> . City Attorney <br /> . City Fnginel.'r <br /> ! = Public \VorKs l)ircctur <br /> ! <br /> . Parks and Ikcrcation Dirl.'clor <br /> . Sheriffs Representativc <br /> . hre Chid <br /> Communications <br /> ..----...----- - <br /> E"l.'ised <br /> --0" ..------- .-----c---. ---..~--.-....-....t~--- -- <br /> -' -- .----... <br /> . <br /> (,0 <br />