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<br /> Ral/lser ('o/ll/fV-II'i,it' EII/C/:!',t'I/(T Or'CnIfiOI/S 1'lulI R''I'isiofl 5.1. ./1/11<\ ](1(15 <br /> I,a~~~k~dalc r ij~-of Successioll -.---- -.-...----- . <br /> In the City of I.auderdale, the mayor is responsible for providing overall <br /> directil)!] and control of city government resource. The city emergency <br /> management director will serve in a stall capacity to the mayor, and will <br /> coordinated cmergency operations. The city emergency management <br /> director will also serve as a liaison with the Ramsey County Fl'vlllS <br /> dircctllL <br /> Direction and controlti)!' the city's response will take place hum the <br /> I.auderdale FOC at I R91 Walnut street. <br /> Mayor <br /> () rVlayor <br /> 0 Acting i'vtayor <br /> 0 Council member (based on seniority) <br /> Emergency I'vlanagemcnt Director <br /> () City Administrator <br /> 0 Assistant to the City Administrator <br /> Public Works Director: <br /> 0 Public Works Coordinator . <br /> ~) l\taintenance <br /> Command ,HId Control issues <br /> Ma\:.\,lI' al1llior C'i!y /\llminist!:;ltor ovcrall supervision of operations; <br /> clllllmunications \\ith various state and federal agencies; eonnllunieations <br /> with media; assist with all till'mal public information releases. <br /> J:!VI.Directllr O\'t~rall emergency and resource management; EOC <br /> management: crisis rehlcation and evacuation, <br /> .6Jtonl..~ legal counsel; intelligence and general public inll:mnation; <br /> doculllL'ntation, records and reports. <br /> I .6s~ist<}!!LLllJlH.;ritv A!l!}1i!l,istrator- financial services; assembly of maps <br /> and other data for presentation. <br /> P!!bli..c_ Wll!:.~ m. field surveys and damage assessment; emergency <br /> l'ngineering services: cmergt'lh:y repairs and cost estimating_ <br /> I Maintl'nancc emergency \vater. sewer. and electrical services; emergency <br /> I --. .------. . <br /> I I pcrs()nnel and equipment; equipment management: roadway clearing and <br /> L__. i debris n:'I11O\'al: emert!ency rcpairs.___ <br /> u______. ....___.... .. ___.~_ . ____________ ____ ..__. ___ _... .._. <br /> 64 <br />