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<br /> Operations Policies . <br /> 1. Protection of Ii fc and property during an emergency is the primary responsibility of government at <br /> all levels. <br /> 2. In an emergency affecting more than one political jurisdiction, officials of all jurisdictions involved <br /> will coordinate their services to the maximum extent possible. <br /> 3. The City of Arden Hills Emergency Management Director will assist in providing resource <br /> coordination between government agencies and the private sectors. <br /> 4. City government resources must be utilized to the maximum before state or federal assistance will <br /> he made available. <br /> 5. Each agency, department, or service of city government will maintain records during an emergency. <br /> These records should include work hours, equipment hours, supplies and materials consumed. <br /> injuries to personnel, and damage to public facilities and equipment. <br /> Support <br /> I. National Guard <br /> a) Overview <br /> When a natural disaster or other major emergency is heyond the capability of local government. . <br /> support from National Guard units may be available. Only the Govemor, as Commander-In- <br /> Chief of the Milmesota National Guard, has the authOlity to activate the Guard. The purpose of <br /> the activation is to ensure the preservation oflifc and property and to support civil law <br /> enfi:)J'cement agencies: <br /> . National Guard assistance will complement. and not be a suhstitute t<Jr county and/or city <br /> participation in emergency operations. <br /> . If made availahle, National Guard personnel remain under military command at all times, <br /> hut \vill support and assist county and/or city /()fces in the accomplishment of a specific task <br /> or tasks. <br /> b) Request Procedure <br /> In the case of the County and the City of Arden Hills, the Sheriff must submit the request for <br /> assistance to the Governor's OtTice. <br /> Requests far activation of the National Guard are to be submitted to the State Duty Officer by <br /> calling (651) 649-5451. <br /> . <br /> 14 <br />