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<br /> Emergency Operations Plan . <br /> Standing OpenltiOl! Procedure Mayor <br /> In the City of Arden Hills, the Mayor is responsible li.>r providing ovcrall direction and control of City <br /> Govcrnmcnt resources involved in the responsc to a disaster. If the Mayor is not available, thc <br /> sUlTcssion of ^cting Mayor and City Council memhcrs hy seniority will be followed. The City <br /> Emergency Managcmcnt Director will serve in a staff capacity to the Mayor, and will coordinate all <br /> aspects of this plan. The City Emergency Managemcnt Director will also serve as a liaison with the <br /> Ramsey County Emcrgency Management Dircctor. <br /> 1\11\ YOR'S CHECKLIST <br /> l. Vcrify warning system operation <br /> ..---.-----.. -...--..-.. <br /> 2. Ohtain briefing of status of emergency condition <br /> -...--------- --- --.---- <br /> 3. Make contact with Lake Johanna Fire Chief and Sheriff as appropriate <br /> 4. Conduct tour of disaster site, as appropriate <br /> 5. Prepare initial estimate of damage (no PIO relcase) . <br /> .-.- -- ...-----..---.- <br /> (). Makc decision on declaration of emergency <br /> 7. Make contact with County Emcrgency Services as appropriate <br /> ------ <br /> X. Make contact \.,.ith Governor or State Eoe as appropriate <br /> -..------ ..---..--- <br /> 9. Prepare formal press rekase <br /> 10. Prepare public infi.mnation releases <br /> II. Review emergency situation f(lr need cd actions ..--...--...-..-----..---- <br /> . <br /> Ih <br />