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<br /> Emergency Operations Plan . <br /> Standing Open,ting Procedure Emergency Public Information <br /> Purpose <br /> The purpose of this Standing Operating Plan is to establish a plan t()}. the orderly dissemination of <br /> necessary information to the public, in a timely manner, during emergency or post emergency <br /> operations. <br /> J)ircctioo <br /> All releases to the media will he made through the Public [nti.)[}nation Office (PIO). The Mayor or City <br /> Administrator (or their designees) are the only officials authorized to perform this role. <br /> Method <br /> During an emergency: <br /> L Evaluate the scope of emergency and appropriate PIO response. <br /> 2. Estahlish media briefing room and time schedule f()r releases/updates. . <br /> . If the scale of the emergency warrants, the Sheriffs Department oftice at 1411 Paul Kirkwold <br /> Drive, Arden Hills, (651) 266-7300 will be used. <br /> . Smalkr emergencies will be addressed through the City Adrninistrator's onice ami City Hall <br /> conkrence rooms. <br /> . In all cases, the public will access inf()fInation through and from the City Administrator's Office. <br /> .., Int()rm media of PI0 plan, location, and schedules. <br /> _1. <br /> 4. I'v1cet with Operations Team leaders (or their designees) to assess content ofinf()fJ11ation release and <br /> current incidcnt status. <br /> 5. Opcn Public In1()fIl1ation Ccnter to media and public. <br /> (). Release prepared message to the media and leaders of all city, state, voluntecr, etc.. service groups. <br /> . <br /> IR <br />