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<br /> Emergency Operations Plan . <br /> Standing Operating Procedure Emergency Management llirector <br /> RESPONSIBILITY: (herall Emergency Mamagement and Resource Management <br /> Emergency \Vaming System Development and Management <br /> Communications System Development and Management <br /> Emergency Operations Center Direction and Coordination <br /> EMERGENCY l\IANAGEi\'1ENT DIRECTOR'S CHECKLIST <br /> (Th~ City Administrator has been designated to assume this function by the City Council) <br /> I. Verify warning system operation <br /> ') Activate Emergcncy Opcrations Ccnter <br /> 3. Initiate cmergency call list <br /> .-.--...---- <br /> 4. Alert l\tlayor and Council <br /> .......--.---- <br /> 5. Set up r:OC radio and telephonc <br /> (). Obtain reports on cmcrgency situation <br /> 7. Prepare outline t()r Council and Statfbriefing . <br /> ..----- <br /> R. Chcck contacts with County Emcrgency Services <br /> -...-..--..-.--... <br /> (). Chcck contacts with Policc and Fire Departments <br /> ... --.-------.--.-- <br /> 10. Brief l'vlayoL ('oulleil and Staff on cmergeney situation <br /> -...---------------- <br /> II. Insure action log and record system is established <br /> 12. Assemblc and brief emergency rccovery crcw lcaders <br /> ---------- ---... <br /> 13. /\sscss Public Works Dcpartment readincss (pcrsonnel and equipment) <br /> ..-...-...-.------ <br /> 14. Assess disaster area sccurity and Police requirements <br /> .-..---....- ----------- -..- <br /> J5. Public infi.mnation, press release status and media contact <br /> 16. Assess contacts with Red Cross and Salvation Army <br /> 17. Assess Engineering. Inspection and Public Works Department readincss <br /> ..- ----..-----..-.--.-----..-... <br /> IX. Institute J.D. tag and record system . <br /> .. --..- <br /> ~2 <br />