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<br /> . Emergency Openltions Plan <br /> Standing Operating Procedure City Engineer <br /> RESPONSIBII.I'f\': The City Engineer shall assist ill the coordination of all clean-up <br /> efforts arising from the disaster. This may include assessing <br /> structural damage to roads, hridges, infrastruchll"e, etc... <br /> OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR'S CHECKLIST <br /> I. Ohtain hriefing on emcrgency situation <br /> ') Review emergency equipment requiremcnts <br /> " Revie\v cmergency supply stocks <br /> .) . <br /> ...-------..- <br /> -t. Set up record system on personncl timc, equipmcnt timc, and supplies <br /> consumption .......-----. <br /> . 5. Rcview road clearing and cmergency repair requirements <br /> -----.-----.-----.- <br /> 6, Review dehris collection and disposal requirements ----..---. <br /> "7 Rcvic\v out City \\atcr system and pump opcratj()j) <br /> I. _ .....------ <br /> R. Review sanitary sewer and Ii Ii station operation <br /> 9. Check out storm drainage channels and Hood pJ"llne areas ---.------..- <br /> J 0, JVlaintain map record or emergency prohlem arcas <br /> . <br /> ,:l) <br />