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<br /> . Emcrgcncy Opcration Proccdm"cs <br /> Standing Opcrating Proccdurc \Varning and Notification <br /> Pu rposc <br /> This standard op~rating pro~~dure is intended to prO\'ide for the proper r~c~ipt ami dissemination of all <br /> warnings and notili~ations or natural or man-made disasters. It provides procedures to disseminate <br /> warning to the genL'ral puhlic within the jurisdictional an:as of the City Arden HilIs and to ensure that <br /> immcdiate action is takc1l to minimize the eflCcts or an impending or natural disaster. <br /> I. Gcncral <br /> The Ramsey County Warning Point. Sheriffs Patrol Station. 1411 Paul Kirkwold Drive, Arden <br /> Ilills. is r~sponsihle 'IX disseminating all watches and warnings to the City of Arden Hilts except <br /> fl."lr warnings ror conditions generated \vithin the City itsdf The Ramsey County Warning Point <br /> has a 24 hour warning capahility" <br /> The City of Ardcn Hills Warning Officcr is th,' Sheriff's Departmcnt Supervisor. <br /> The City of Arden Ilills Warning Poi1lt is the Ramsey County Sheriffs oftic~ at 1411 Paul <br /> Kirkwold Dri\T. <br /> . The City of Ardcnllills Warning Of/icer is rcsponsihle fl.)]" ensuring all \varnings and notitications <br /> are propcrly rcceived and disseminated. <br /> II. Actions to be taken hy the Cit)" Wanting Officer (Sheriffs Department Supervisor) when <br /> thcrc is an immcdiatc threat to life: <br /> A. Upon reccipt or warning from Ramsey County Warning Point: <br /> I. Noti ry key city governmcnt of/icials. <br /> 2. Notil)' radio and/or TV stations as appropriate (in majority of cases Ramsey County wi]) <br /> contact news media when they ha\"C generated thc warning). <br /> " Notify certain pri\'ate and/or puhlic facilities (hospitals. industries, nursing homes, etc.) <br /> .'- <br /> . <br /> , > <br /> -'.' <br />