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<br />Rl//l/sn' CUllltll'-WiJI' f:/l/l'lgl'l/CF Operations Plan Rel"isiol/ 5.1. JIIlle. ]005 <br />SPECIFIC, ONGOING RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY DEPARTMENTS <br />Ramsey County Board of Commissioners <br />The County Manager will notify the Chair of the Ramsey County Board of <br />Commissioners (the Board) of any situations that are or threaten to <br />become Q..ublic emerqencies .91___di~Q~.ters. The Board will meet In <br />emergency session at the request of (a) the Chair of the Board; (b) the <br />County Manager or designee; or (c) any Board member. <br />The Board IS responsible for debating and/or adopting necessary <br />emergency ordinances as stated in the Charter, Sec. 5.03. Under the <br />terms of the Charter, the Board may pass emergency ordinances at the <br />meeting at which they are introduced via unanimous vote of the Board <br />Members present, assuming a quorum. The first step for the Board is to <br />pass the ordinance declaring that an emergency or disaster exists in the <br />County. <br />The basic responsibilities of the County Board that will stem from an <br />emergency include: <br />. Policy <br /> 0 Be available to meet at short notice <br /> 0 Authorize expenditures and monitor same in a timely fashion <br /> 0 Maintain function of legally constituted county government <br />. Coordination <br /> 0 Work during emergency with affected municipality's elected <br /> officials to identify needs and priorities that will be addressed <br /> after the immediate response has stabilized the situation <br /> () Verify ability of local and county assets to meet these needs <br />. Communication <br /> 0 Communicate these needs to the RCEOC so that <br /> countywide planning staff can quickly work to address them <br /> 0 Communicate with other counties, and partners <br /> 0 Communicate with elected state and federal officials <br /> 0 In coordination with the PIO and the other response <br /> partners, provide a voice for accurate and timely information <br /> to the residents of the county and state <br />In the event that an emergency meeting cannot be convened, the County <br />Manager will exercise certain responsibilities. <br /> 5~ <br />