<br /> The City Council of Arden Hills, Minnesota, Ordains: .
<br /> Section 1300 - Title, Purpose, and Intent
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<br /> 1300.01 Title. Chaptcr 13, which includcs Sections 1300, 1305, 1310, 1315, 1320, 1325,
<br /> 1330,1335,1345,1350,1355,1360, 1365, and 1370 ofthc City Code shall be known, cited as,
<br /> and referred to as the Arden Hills Zoning Code, except as rcferred to herein whcre it shall be
<br /> known as "this Code".
<br /> --.---... . ------------- -....._- w
<br /> 1300.02 Purpose and Intent. This Codc is enacted for thc following purposcs:
<br /> Subd. I To promote the gcneral public hcalth, safety, comfort and general welfare of
<br /> the inhabitants of the City of Arden HiIls, Minnesota.
<br /> Subd.2 To promotc the character of and prcserve and enhancc the propertics and areas
<br /> within thc city including wetlands, ponds and marshcs.
<br /> Subd.3 To divide thc city into zones or districts on the basis of the use, location,
<br /> construction, reconstruction and alteration of land and structures for residcnce, business,
<br /> industrial and public purposes. .
<br /> Subd.4 To providc adequate light, air, privacy and safcty.
<br /> Subd. 5 To prevent the overcrowding of land by undue concentration of population.
<br /> Subd.6 To promote the proper use of land and structures.
<br /> Subd. 7 To fix reasonable standards to which buildings, structures and land shall
<br /> conform for the bencfit of all.
<br /> Subd. 8 To prohibit the use ofbuildings, structures, and lands that are incompatible
<br /> with thc intcnded use or development of lands within the specificd zones.
<br /> Subd.9 To promote thc safc and cfficicnt movement of people and goods.
<br /> Subd. 10 To facilitate the provisions of public services.
<br /> Subd. 11 To limit congcstion in the public strects and protect the public health and
<br /> welfarc by providing for the off-street parking of vehicles and vehicle loading areas.
<br /> Subd. 12 To protcct against fire, explosion, noxious fumes, offensive noisc, vibration,
<br /> dust, odor, glare, hazardous waste, pollution and hazards in the intcrest of public health, .
<br /> comfort and general welfare.
<br /> Section] 300 - Title, Purpose, and In/ent
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