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<br /> - <br /> I R~Q!lELnQod is_~Y!lQ!lYffiOUS with the t.~1]TI "b~,~~_JJood:~,_!:!~~~Li!l the_Lloo~Ll!l~,uranc~ . <br /> Study, <br /> Subd.138Research. The use of any lot, parcel of land and any structure or building <br /> located thcrcon for the purposcs of studying or investigating facts not readily available, <br /> such as, for cxample. medical, chcmical, electrical, metallurgical, or othcr scientifie <br /> rcscarch, but cxcluding the manufacture or proccssing of materials or goods for sale. Re- <br /> search with animals is considered a separate category. <br /> Subd. 139Research animals. Animals kcpt in a laboratory setting for the purpose of <br /> testing and rcsearch relatcd health care products. <br /> Subd. 140 Residential facility. Any facility, public or private, which for gain or <br /> otherwise, regularly provides onc or more persons with a twenty-four (24) hours per day <br /> substitutc for care, food, lodging, training, education, supervIsIOn, habilitation, <br /> rchabilitation and treatmcnt thcy need, but which for any reason cannot be furnished in <br /> the pcrson's own homc, including but not limitcd to, state institutions under thc control of <br /> the commissioner of public welfare, fostcr homcs, residcntial trcatment centers, maternity <br /> shclters, !,rroup homes, residential programs, or schools for handicappcd children. <br /> Subd. 141 Rest homc. A private homc f()r the care of the agcd or infirm or place of rest <br /> for those suffering bodily, mental or cmotional disordcrs. Such a home does not contain <br /> equipment for surgical care or tor the treatment of disease or injury, nor does it include . <br /> maternity, care f()r mental illnesses or infirmitics; includcs nursing home. <br /> Subd. 142Restaurant. A business establishment whose principal business is the <br /> preparation, scrvice and salc of food and beverages to be consumed by customers while <br /> scated at tables or counters located within thc building on thc premises. <br /> Subd. 143Restaurant, fast food. Any restaurant which meets a numbcr of the following <br /> requiremcnts: <br /> A. Customarily provides quick service to its customers; <br /> B. Offers to its customers a limited, standardized mcnu of inexpensivc food <br /> and/or beveragcs; <br /> C. Scrvcs its customers from a countcr located within the building on the <br /> prcmises and does not customarily otTcr service at the table by waiter or <br /> waitrcss; <br /> D. Allows customcrs to consume their orders of f()od and/or beveragcs at tables <br /> or countcrs within thc building, in their automobiles parked on the premises, <br /> or away from the premiscs as the customers choosc; <br /> . <br /> Section 1305 - Rules, Scope, Interpretation & Definitions <br /> Page 16 of22 <br />