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<br /> Suhd. 157Staging Area. Any exterior area that is used to load, unload, stack, pile, store <br />. or assemble materials, equipment or vehicles to be used either on site or off site. <br /> Subel. 158Story. That portion of a building induded between the surface of any floor and <br /> the surhH.:e of the floor next above it, or, if no such floor above, the space between such <br /> floor and the ceiling next above it. <br /> Subd. I 59Story, half. A space under a sloping roof which has the line of intersection of <br /> roof decking and wall face not more than three (3) feet above the top floor ]evel, and in <br /> which space not more than two-thirds (2/3) of the noor area is finished for use. A ha]f- <br /> story containing independent apartment or Jiving quarters shall be counted as a full story. <br /> Subd. 160Strects. A public or private way, consisting in the case of a private way of a <br /> roadway and in the case of a public way of a roadway and a boulevard (the latter of <br /> which may contain a sidewalk), used primarily for vehicular traflic, whether designated <br /> as a street, avenue, parkway, road, Jane, throughway, expressway, highway, place or <br /> however otherwise designated. The tenn "streets" includes the following classifications: <br /> A. Collector street. A street which carries traftic from local streets to streets <br /> and highways of higher classifications. It provides ft)r both land access <br /> service and loca] traffic movements within residential neighborhoods, <br /> commercial areas and industrial areas. <br />. B. Cui-de-sac. A street with a circular tum-a-round and only one outlet. <br /> C. Loca] street. A street of limited continuity used primarily for access to the <br /> abutting properties and the loca] needs of a neighborhood. <br /> D. Minor arterial. A street system that interconnects with and augment the <br /> urban major artcrial system and provide service to trips of moderate length <br /> at somewhat lower ]evc\ of travel mobility than major arterials. This system <br /> distributes travel to geographical areas smaller than those identified with the <br /> higher system. <br /> E. Major arterial. Usually a divided highway with tour (4) or more lanes and <br /> serves the major centers of activity of a metropolitan area, the highest traffic <br /> volume corridors, and the longest trip desire. The major arterial carries a <br /> high proportion of the total urban area travel on a minimum mileage. <br /> Almost all fully and partially controlled access facilities arc a part of this <br /> class. <br /> F. Expressway. A type of major arteria] with a controlled access roadway and <br /> expressway ramps to provide ingress or egress to other levels of streets. The <br /> use of expressway ramps allows the uniform flow of traftic on a major <br /> arterial highway without undue delays. <br />. <br /> Section) 305 - Rules. Scope, Intnpretation & Delinitions <br /> Page ]90[22 <br />