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CCP 11-27-2006
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CCP 11-27-2006
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 13,2006 7 <br />. too short of a length. He statcd he also wanted the trees replaccd. He stated he wanted thc <br /> hillside maintained also. <br /> \ViII \Vood, 3470 Siems Court, statcd he had submittcd an email to the City Engincer. He <br /> stated the interscction was a safcty issue. He stated it was dif1icult to see up the hill. He stated <br /> moving the road a little bit would make it easier to scc up the hill. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski agreed it was a shock to the neighborhood at the devastation ofthe loss of <br /> the trees. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked if the $20,000 figure was for one side or both sides of the road. <br /> Ms. Giga rcsponded it was for both sides of the road. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated he was in support ofwidcning the strects bccausc this was a <br /> safety issue. He statcd in the wintcr the road would be narrower and it was on a slopc. He <br /> belicved Council needcd to send this hack to slaffto comc up with a solution to the intersection <br /> Issue. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski asked if they would have to go hack very far to get the slope wider. Ms. <br /> Giga responded a typical car length was 20 fcet. so they may havc to go back as much as 100 <br /> feet. <br />. Councilmember Larson asked if the opening was widened. would they havc to do both sides of <br /> thc road. Ms. Giga responded they could look at widening one sidc of the road only. <br /> CounciImember Pellegrin stated he could sec a problcm with safety in thc winter. He stated he <br /> was also concemed about the residcnts having to slow down too much to make the tum and this <br /> was a safety issue. Councilmember Pellegrin also stated that making it wider and allowing <br /> fastcr traffic could be a safety issue as \vell. <br /> l\10TION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmcmbcr Pellcgrin seconded a <br /> motion to request stafTtakc a look at \videning thc cntrance by widening <br /> thc curb on the east side of the road and comc back to Council with plans <br /> and cost. <br /> Councilmember Grant made an amendment to instruct staff 10 look at both sides of the <br /> interscction. Council member Larson accepted Couneilmcmher Granfs amendmcnt. <br /> Ms. Giga noted with the seasonal change, no change to the intersection would bc made until <br /> spnng. <br /> Ms. Wolfe recommendcd slatf come up with two or three options, with one bcing what could be <br /> done for $20,000. <br />. <br />
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