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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CIT'{ COUNCIL-NOVEMBER 27, 2006 5 <br /> . <br /> . MOTION: Councilmember Larson moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br /> motion to authorize staff to apply for a Grant through the Safe Routes to <br /> School with the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The motion <br /> caJTied unanimously (5-0). <br /> D. Motion to Approve the Revised Parks, Recrcation and Community Uuildin2 <br /> Stratc2ics for the Citv of Ardcn nills <br /> Ms. Olson stakd at thc .June 21, 2006 City Council meeting, the strategies for parks, trails, and <br /> community building ror Arden Hills were approvcd. Since that time, the Parks, Trails, and <br /> I<ccreation Committce (PTRC) have added a couple ortrail segments to the approved strategies. <br /> Both of these additions arc trail segments that have current funding assistance possibilities. She <br /> rccommended Council approve the revised strategies for parks, trails, and community building. <br /> Councilmember Holdcn asked what it meant to adopt a strategy. Ms. 'Volfe responded the <br /> ifltent of approving the strategy was to authorize the PTRC to continue to study these strategies <br /> and have stafr keep their attention focused on possible grant opportunities. She stated in a sense <br /> it was a work plan for the PTRC. <br /> Councilmembc.. Grant asked if by approving this was the Council committing to anything or <br /> authorizing any money to be spent. Ms. Olson responded they were not authorizing anything or <br /> . (ommitting to any funds being spent. She noted by approving this they were essentially telling <br /> the PTRC that thcse things can be worked on. <br /> l\10TION: Councilmembcr Grant moved and Councilmember Larson scconded a <br /> motion to approvc the revised Strategies for Parks, Trails, and Community <br /> Building for thc City of Ardcn Hills. The motion carricd unanimously (5- <br /> 0). <br /> F:. Motion to Almro\"e A2rcemcnt for Law Enforcement Services with the Ramsev <br /> County Sheriff's Department for the Pedod Commencin2 Januarv 1, 2007 to <br /> Decembcr 31, 2009 <br /> Ms. \Volfc stated the City contracts with the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department for law <br /> en foreement services. The existing three-year agreement, which was approved Decembcr 8, <br /> 2003, expires December 31, 2007. She recommended Council approve the Agreement for Law <br /> Enforcement Services with the Ramsey County Sheriffs Department for the period commencing <br /> January 1,2007 to Lkeember 31,2009. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested seeing the Sherin' Department logs to see how much <br /> coverage they did in Arden Hills. 1\15. \Volfe stated she would request the logs for (j workshop <br /> meeting with the Shcritrs Department in January. <br /> . <br />