<br /> I
<br /> . Bulletin
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<br /> Harpstead
<br /> Newcomer
<br /> elected . Arden Hills
<br /> mayor In
<br /> McClung, I-A ::~S::TI~,'t Iwr and garnered 2,337 votes,
<br /> or :n percent, followed hy
<br /> Holmes vvin <'r'~,", ""'')''i;( Include., tIlt Fran Holmes, with 1,625
<br /> !~0~ir ~~~~~' t~,:; votes, or 2fi percent. They
<br /> Council seats defeated Scott Woolfrey (17
<br /> 1;; ,"', 7>' {0 ". me, tho<.e percent) and Robelta Thomp-
<br /> r':,<',~'7'itf0 son (20 percent).
<br /> ''\'')>'''-<',0(;:-; that d icl n't
<br /> "'~ McClung. :)7, a 20-year res-
<br /> Adam Fetcher '''-:;;o-;;/<} vote for me.
<br /> staff h'iiier ,~ ' ident of Arden Hills, works
<br /> ":"1\ thohe [hat
<br /> ~ _E as a compliance officer for
<br /> Stan Harpstead didn't votto:
<br /> In the race for r:lc!_\'l;' of and those the Minnesota Department of
<br /> Arden Hills, newcomu Sta1; who are not RevenuC' and clIrrently serves
<br /> Harpstead o1lsted incumhent yet able to on the Parks, Trails and
<br /> Beverly Aplikowski h,Y <1 mere vote." Recreation Committec.
<br /> 167 votes. Aplikowsl\i, "iI, col.. A p I i k- "There's been some con-
<br /> lected 1,971 votes, or cJ~ per, owski will cern by the residents in the
<br /> cent. She served Oil the Cit,y now have to past that the City Council
<br /> Council for 10 yc;"rs before make the hasn't necessarily always
<br /> heing elected mayor ill 2002. transition taken their wishes into con-
<br /> . Harpstead received 2,1:)1-; from OIle sideration," McClung said.
<br /> votes, or 52 percent. Fran Holmes who repre, "}\ cllange of three new peo-
<br /> "[ knew it would he dose," sents to OIle pIe Oil the Council, I think,
<br /> Harpstead said. "1 knew I had who is rep- provides an opportunity to
<br /> an opportunity to win this resented. change that."
<br /> election. " " I feel "I think next year is going
<br /> Harpstcad, 4~) , IS the good aholl i to he an extremely positive
<br /> founder and presidc!1~ of rZST tIle contri- year for tIll' people of Arden
<br /> Implanted cIOn Technology, a butions I Hills," he said.
<br /> medical device company, and made to the Holmes works as an attor.
<br /> has a bachelor's degree ill city during lIev with the U.S. Depart-
<br /> microbiology and a master's the last 14 lIlt::nt of Treasury and moon-
<br /> degree in business ~1(illlj1Jistra- Dave McClung years that j lights as editor of the Arden
<br /> hon from Ivlichigan Slat.e U ni- served as a IIills Notes newsletter.
<br /> versity. He ami his wife, _lodi, Council persoll," she said, "1 was very pleased to find
<br /> have two children. a 21-year- "The sting and the disappoillt- out that both Dave McClung
<br /> old attending New York lIni- ment is that after those 14 and J had been elected," she
<br /> versity and an 18-ye<lr'old at' years of working for the city, a said, adding that she also sup-
<br /> Mounds View High School. person who had done nothing ported llarpstead's campaign
<br /> Harpstead said he looked for the city is the person that for mayor.
<br /> fOlward to instilling a positive heat me." "J want to have mutual
<br /> atmosphere at City COllncil 1\"10 new Council members respect [with the people of
<br /> meetings. He said the fad that were :.llso elected in Arden Arden Hillsl so when they
<br /> he is not a carGer politici:m Hills in a race featuring no come to City Hall they feel
<br /> and has no ties to devdopns is incumbents; Gregg Larson like we're going to listen to
<br /> . an imlication of how he will and Vincent Pellegrin chose them," Holmes said. "This is
<br /> nm the city not to seek re-election, Dave tht~ir city and that's what
<br /> "I intend to represent every- McClung vv-as the frontrun- \\,c're here for."
<br /> body tha t lives in Arden
<br />