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<br />Fire Services: The LJFD capital budget is funded via our Public Safety Capital Fund. . <br />Under the funding formula discussed with the City Council in September, the City of <br />Arden Hi\1s will be paying 27.1 (Yo o[ capital equipment purchases in 2007 ($14,309). <br />Items include: <br />. Tires [or the ladder tmck, computer replacement, rescue equipment, positive <br /> pressure fans, and a PTO generator on Engine 1. <br />Arden Hills also pays the full cost of capital needs at Fire Station #1 ($35,000 for <br />building repairs). The total budget [or 2007 Public Safety Capital is $49,309. It should <br />be noted that sometime in 2006 or 2007 we will also need to pay approximately $20,000 <br />for 800 MHz radios. In addition, we have been invoiced for a share ($70,000) towards a <br />fire engine as discussed at the September Work Session. <br />Mayor and City Council Budget: For discllssion purposes \ve included $5000 for <br />N0l1hwest Youth and Family Services, plus an additional SlOOO [or the Annual Meeting <br />contribution. Schawn spoke with St. Mary's Church regarding the contribution they <br />make to NYFS on our hehalf. There has been a verbal agreement since the mid-1990's <br />[or an annual $ I 2.000 contribution. St. Mary's typically exceeds that contribution level <br />(which also exceeds ollr contract requirement). <br />Protective Inspections Department: the proposed budget includes a proposed $15,000 <br />to purchase a new software program and upgraded hardware to track permits, inspections, <br />code en[orcement activities, and to provide more comprehensive and detailed reports. <br />Planning Department: The City's updated Comprehensive Plan is due to the . <br />Metropolitan Council in September 2008. A large portion of this process will occur in <br />2007. An amount of $40,000 has been proposed for costs associated with preparation of <br />the Comp Plan Update. Most of the costs will be for professional consulting services. <br />TCAAP Budget: The budget for consulting services has been increased by $161,770 to <br />cover consulting services related to TCAAP. The increase in the 2007 budget is due to <br />anticipated increase in developer reimbursable expenses. It is expected that the developer <br />will reimburse the City for direct expenses incurred related to the Twin Cities AmlY <br />Ammunition Plant purchase and redevelopment. StaiY salaries that had previously been <br />allocated to the TCAAP fund have been moved back to their respective primary funding <br />accounts. <br />EDA: Within the EDA budget, $5,000 has been proposed for the Economic <br />Development Commission (EDC) activities related to Business Retention. At this time <br />the proposed budget does not include funding for any other initiatives included in the <br />EDe's Strategic Plan. <br />Revised 11/15/06 . <br />\ \lIletro-inet\ardenhi//s\admin I City Administrator\Budget\2{j() 7\B U DGET HIGH UGH 7:') Finll/.doc <br />