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<br />, <br />. <br />. Mayor ~ <br /> Beverly Aplikowski ---A~JIILLS Michelle Wolfe <br /> City Administrator <br /> Council Members Arden Hills City Council 1245 West Highway 96 <br /> David Grant Arden Hills MN 55112 <br /> Brenda Holden 'Administrator's Update 651.634.5120 <br /> Gregg Larson <br /> Vincent Pellegrin For the week ending November 3, 2006 <br /> The 3rd Annual Committee Summit will be held on Wednesday, November 15 (6:00 p.m. <br /> dinner, 7:00 p.m. meeting, invitations to follow). As in the past two years, the Mayor will <br /> provide dinner, and members of all current commissions, committees, and task forces, will be <br /> invited. <br /> The Foundation Task Force met this week. They have decided at this time that it is premature to <br /> establish a community foundation, but that creation of a Donation Program may be a first step in <br /> that direction. This week, the group reviewed a proposed program document and think it is a <br /> good stali. They would like to present the idea to the residents gathered for the Committee <br /> Summit, to get their feedback. As part of the creation of this program, a City "wish list" would <br /> be created and approved by Council. This list would include items that would make good <br />. donations to the City. A few examples include park benches and trees. Last night the group <br /> emphasized the desire to let Council know what they are working on, and the plan is to bring it to <br /> Council after the first of the year. <br /> Tobacco compliance checks were conducted on Friday, October 20th. One tobacco vendor in <br /> Arden Hills failed the compliance check. Schawn will follow up with that vendor. It is a first <br /> offense so therefore there is a minimal fine ($100). <br /> City Hall Mediation: Mediation is scheduled for November 14. Jerry and I will be scheduling a <br /> closed meeting with Council on November 13 to provide an updatc and receive guidance from <br /> you. Since we will be scheduling the closed meeting, we will also take that opportunity to <br /> update you regarding the assessment appeal that was filcd for the 2006 PMP project by one <br /> resident. Please feel free to contact me if you havc any questions on this mater. <br /> Berres Case: I fOlwarded what I am told is the final paperwork needed for processing the claim. <br /> 1 have asked Jerry's assistance regarding the restitution process. Things got delayed due to the <br /> fact that the assigned probation officer is no longer with the County. The claims supervisor with <br /> the Leaguc infonncd me that the City will not be covered for expenses. The expenses can be <br /> claimed for restitution but not expenses (this waS about $14,000 of the total). I have also been <br /> told that through our contract with the League, thcy get paid first before us - so in other words, <br /> the restitution payments would go to the League until they are covered for what they payout to <br /> us, then after that, we can get our expenses portion. 1 am still following up on this, since this is <br /> NOT what I had been previously told. <br />. <br />