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<br /> \.....-llY \.....-UUHCll ~lWU :seal:S U pen) . <br />1""1.1. U \..-11 .1.1111 ~ l <br />..... ,.-,~,>,""""..,...........~",.....,...._......., ....~ ._....w. I <br /> . . '. . <br /> . ........... ", ..-...... . . <br /> 'Vhat are the best uses of Green spaqds important to;' <br /> Candidate What is the most important the Twin Cities Army Arden HiIIS'residents,.'How: will I <br /> you ensure. parks, trails . f <br /> issue facing Arden Hills'! ~ i <br /> Information Ammunition Plant? and 'open spaces are .i ~ <br /> : i <br /> How will you help . maimained as the; I <br /> , . -guide. the d,i:lveloprilent? city develops and redevelops?: I <br /> . ~..'.. -............ ...... ................. . I <br /> Fran Holmes . \:"'::!.::1 1 Ii:ls i:-. ~'.J~:::1~ Ir:~Tl ~l"('d dl.'.'t~;Cp:!h'r:[ The ~1(!(t'1~tial d~'\'d()Jlr~1Cnt or ~1Jt' TC::\PP II is ('xlrt'mely important for Arden Hil,s to i <br /> within rl~('. (.:IY :md 1;: the ,c::ur;"\l\;ndil:g \;rJll::n~I' ;J: npt'fly will hi-H'f :"i :-:la.;nr in:;;,;!,-: 0:1 ..\ rdcg maintain its parks, trails and open spaces to i <br /> :li~ie:-;. r h~'lkn? ir~ il ~l1')Ilg:hrfll; long-r;m!!c p!;lIl Hi;j:-; iiild rhe :-;l:TT()tlnd~ng C()r:~:l1~l1Iiti::,:;. bsues n>mnin a yibrant and attractive communitv. . <br /> ;. .: '. .<~..",,;~.'.;.;..".,: . _, F:";ln f--Inhws, !~O ,nge to add:\::,s.s the is.slw~ ::~\'()]\'ed \':i~;l \~c\.(<np' c():'ll'erllin~ f.rflur~d water JIll! :,nii p()i1u~i(JJ: The residents rreasure the parks and rrails i'n I <br /> ~~iJ~~:.~~.'i"D~~ '~i~:I::;~l:;~~ ~.j~~~::l~.~~ menr. inducting: intTCi.1sed traftic ;~nd decreased nl11S~ bt. rcsph,:t'd prill]" to ar:.;: t'!~.r:vity on rhi,s tlur community, and my goal is to put green ~ <br /> open ~il,KC. ~,;Iy g()a~ in t!1(" pli.l:m:i:g pru(t'SS i~ Jand. The cleanup and development costs spacc ahead 01 any dcvelopment. We need more I <br /> to put the intt~rt's:s (d' ~ht' -:-ct'idents first. r ::.;hould not be f~l!lded hy ~hc currer:t residents.. I trails throughout the city that are connected <br /> '.1..... -'<' ~l.1:;.,J. ; '. SIlt' worl" fdJ t:me belie\'t~ t.J~nr .-\rde:l l'hIls \\i.ll remaill a vibrant wiil ensure ~hat th~ city :Jnd rbe residents fully with those of our surrounding communities, I <br /> :li~" .r' '~.:.h,.~~".,~.._, "'l ,,";th <br /> :,.~"" t. . ~... . ~'" <l~ ,:1.1 a~(.nley \, .... the aral att-:-artlvc (,\)mr:.1t1l1ity if the ~lecisiol1s of rhe lllidcrstHr:.d ~he costs clllc1 other long-range 111e TCAPP property provides an outstanding I <br /> ,':Z . . "~t;" y' ':" ~';~~I;~;l:~:'I';;lt~~~)li::i; city retlect the \'alues flf the rcsideJlt:-o. impacts on the community of t.his devdopr:w:It. opportunity lor a regional park and trail sys. l <br /> tem. ! <br /> l <br />ana tTnl\"(~rshy '.\-ith 8 ! <br /> i <br /> juris doctorare degree. She. I~ the cdi:ur of the l <br /> .-\rdcn I fii!~ I1cwslU!er. ~ <br /> , <br /> i <br /> Dave McClung Communication with rcsidel~rs and prC'par- .-\ carc.fally balanced mixed-use development ; I sen'e '~;-ili~-P~~k;,"T;:;;ns-:;;;d Recreati;~ I <br /> ing Arden Hills for r.he future. is 0rl1cial [0 that pn)'l,;des a diversity of housing, commcr- Committee and believe we must maintain our I <br /> \.......:J.....;~ f);1\.C :..kChI~lg. 37, future. TIle ,ity cnn communicate more effec- dal and other husiness uses, while integrating existing parks and trail infrastructure while <br /> ti\Tely, lIstening more. 1.:al'erul1y to the conct'n:.,s green space, trails i:md other features that \\i.11 developing new parks, trails and recreation <br />:~~~.: is single and b~lS :~ved of both indivi,hIal, and businesses. At the same complement L1C txisring Arden Hills, nm over- opportunities. When we develop TCAAP. I will <br />. ". in /\rd"n Hills for rime, it can suppnrt deve.lopmcnt in the city whelm ;t. I will work with Arden Hills resi- insist that green space and trails are pro mi. <br />more than 20 years. while balancmg the needs of existing neighbor- dt'.I1is and members of the city council to nently featured, We must develop a comprehen. <br />He works tiIll time as hoods. TCAAP can be developed complement- ensure that the character tlf the new develop, sive lO-year plan on how to maintain current <br />;1 compliance officer ing existing ::eighborhoods without burdening ment complements existing Arden Hills neigh- inlrastructure. develop new parks, trails and <br />lor the ~linnesota .; residents with unmanageable t'!'3ffic and debt: borhoods. I wil1not support attempts to dump recreation programs and how to pay for all of I <br />Department of Rev- keeping the leel 01 a ,'illage, not a large cit!,. the cost of development on current residents, this. <br />enue. Ylc.Clllng has a ; <br />bachelor's degree in ; <br /> political science from Bradley University in ~ <br />~ Peoria. Ill., ann a rnast~r's degree in national ! <br /> seeur;ty polic)' studies ti'om The George Wash- <br /> ington Uni\Tersity in Washington. D.C. He cur- I <br /> renrl.\" serve.s Oil rhe Parks, TrC1i~s ~md Recre. <br /> ation Committee. <br />....... <br />. . . <br />