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<br />dedication must bear a rough proportionality to the need created by the proposed <br />subdivision or development. <br />. If a municipality is given written notice of a dispute over a proposed fee in lieu of <br />dedication before the municipality's fmal decision on an application, a municipality must <br />not condition the approval of any proposed subdivision or development on an agreement <br />to waive the right to challenge the validity of a fee in lieu of dedication, <br /> <br />The italicized bullet points are particularly important because they point to the overall theme in <br />State Statutes for setting the park dedication fee. Essentially, the park dedication fee must be <br />reasonable and proportional to the impact of the subdivision on the park system, Based on the <br />park dedication fees applied to other recently approved subdivisions, the City Attorney has <br />expressed some concern that the maximum fee for the final plat of Lake Johanna Woods may not <br />be reasonable or proportional to the impact of the subdivision, <br /> <br />For example, the maximum fee for the Lake Johanna Woods Final Plat is potentially $22,200 for <br />two new lots, However, the maximum fee for the Burroughs Lane Final Plat (PC 06-038) is only <br />$13,935 for two new lots. It would be difficult for the City to demonstrate that the two new lots <br />in the Lake Johanna Woods plat have almost twice as much impact on the City's park system as <br />the two new lots in the Burroughs Lane final plat in terms of park need and use, The park <br />dedication fees charged to new subdivisions since 2005 is as follows: <br /> <br />Status <br /> <br />Plannin Case <br />05-019 <br /> <br />Park Dedication Fee New Lots Fee per Lot <br />$15,600 3 $5,200 <br /> <br /> <br />Approved <br /> <br />06-002 <br />06-004* <br /> <br />*Reduced from maximum ark dedication fee <br /> <br />The City Attorney and I have discussed the option of using a running average of past park <br />dedication fees, including the potential maximum fee of the final plat(s) under review, to <br />calculate more equitable park dedication fees. Using a running average would produce a park <br />dedication fee that adjusts for changes in land value over time while keeping the fee per lot <br />comparable to other subdivision approvals, Including the two final plats currently under review <br />and the four other park dedication fees charged since 2005 would generate an average park <br />dedication fee of $6,276 per lot, which is slightly less than the maximum park dedication fee for <br />Burroughs Lane and a little than half the maximum park dedication fee for Lake Johanna Woods, <br />It is not necessary to change the Subdivision Ordinance at this time to use this method since it is <br />meant to respect the limits on park dedication fees set in State Statutes. Furthermore, the <br /> <br />Page 3 of6 <br /> <br /> <br />\\Metro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPlanning Cases\2006106-039 Boutin - Lake Johanna Woods Final Plat (PENDING)\031207 - CC Report- <br />Boutin Final Plat.doc <br />