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<br />(b) Prior Costs. Upon execution of this Agreement, the Developer has deposited with <br />the City $266,341.14 (receipt of which the City acknowledges) representing reimbursement of all <br />City Reimbursable Costs incurred from May 9, 2005 through the date of this Agreement, and not <br />previously reimbursed by Developer, all of which are set forth on the attached Exhibit C. <br /> <br />(c) Budget and Consultant Process. The current budget of City Reimbursable Costs, <br />including the type and scope of work and the current list of consultants is attached as Exhibit D, <br />which may be amended from time to time by mutual agreement (the "Budget"). The City may, <br />without amending the Budget, replace or retain any additional consultants or staff consistent with <br />the type and scope of work described in the Budget, subject to the total amount of City <br />Reimbursable Costs specified in Exhibit D. If the City proposes to (i) engage any different <br />consultants or staff than those shown in the attached Budget, or (ii) allocate savings in a line-item in <br />the Budget to pay additional expenses over the amount for another line-item, the City will (before <br />engaging the consultant or incurring the additional line-item expense) provide Developer with at <br />least 10 business days notice, including (in the case of clause (i) above) a written description of the <br />consultant or staff, the scope of work and the estimated cost; and (in the case of clause (ii) above) an <br />explanation of the reasons for the line-item change; and in either case offering Developer an <br />opportunity to comment within the 10-day period. The City agrees that all contracts with <br />consultants will be terminable immediately upon notice without penalty and will provide for <br />payment for services rendered only prior to such termination. <br /> <br />If the City or Developer proposes to revise the Budget (including changes in type or scope <br />of work or the total amount of City Reimbursable Costs), then the City or the Developer, as the case <br />may be, shall submit a revised budget to the other party and an explanation of the changes to the <br />Budget, and allow thirty (30) days for the other party to approve the changes to the Budget. If the <br />other party approves the proposed changes to the Budget, the changes shall be incorporated into the <br />Budget, the revised Budget shall be signed by the City and the Developer, and the revised budget <br />shall become the Budget. If the City's or the Developer's proposed changes to the Budget are not <br />approved by the other party within such thirty (30) days, then either the City or Developer may <br />terminate this Agreement under Section l2( a) hereof, subject to the terms of Section 23 hereof. <br /> <br />(d) Payment Process. The City will provide the Developer with a copy of all invoices <br />received by the City immediately upon receipt of such invoices for City Reimbursable Costs, <br />including copies of invoices provided by third parties and in the case of eligible staff costs a city- <br />prepared invoice showing time, hourly rates (consistent with the Budget), any costs and <br />disbursements, any description reasonably needed to explain how the staff costs relate to the <br />Development and such other reasonable information regarding the City Reimbursable Costs as <br />Developer requests. Developer shall pay City Reimbursable Costs to the City within thirty (30) <br />days after receipt of each invoice; provided, however, Developer shall not be required to pay the <br />City Reimbursable Costs to the City more often than monthly. If the Developer fails to pay the City <br />Reimbursable Costs to the City as provided herein, then Developer shall reimburse the City for its <br />out-of-pocket costs incurred in collecting the City Reimbursable Costs, including reasonable <br />attorneys fees. <br /> <br />(e) Security. As security for Developer's obligations under this Section, Developer <br />shall, within thirty (30) days after the date of this Agreement, deposit $50,000 in escrow with an <br /> <br />8 <br />