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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - MARCH 12, 2007 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />comparable to the recently approved Final Plat of Burroughs Lane. The property owners have <br />submitted a letter to the City Council requesting a waiver of the park dedication fee. <br /> <br />Bob Meinzer, 1600 Lake Johanna Boulevard, read a statement from the ordinance and stated that <br />he respectively disagrees that there are two separate issues of the subdivision and the easement. <br />He stated that he has been a good citizen of the city and gave 20,000 square feet for a storm <br />drainage easement, which is a public service and the city should waive the park dedication fee. <br />He stated that if the City had not asked for the easement, they never would have subdivided the <br />property. <br /> <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes asked why, if the City didn't have to put the storm water on the land, <br />they agreed to it. Arlene Boutin, 1600 Lake Johanna Boulevard. stated that she was presented <br />with two plans from the City. In Plan A the City would take the easement and in Plan B the water <br />would be routed through their property and ruin the land so they felt they didn't have a choice. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Councihnember Holden seconded a <br />motion to approve Resolution 07-34: Approving the Final Plat of Lake <br />Johanna Woods and the Development Agreement in Planning Case 06039 <br />Based on a Finding that the Final Plat is in Conformance with the <br />Conditions of the Preliminary Plat in Planning Case 06-026 and the City's <br />Subdivision Ordinance, subject to the Thirteen Conditions in Planning Case <br />06-039. <br /> <br />Councilmember McClung moved and Councihnember Grant seconded a <br />motion to amend condition five to read a park dedication fee of $12,552 in <br />place of$6,276. <br /> <br />The motion to amend carried (4-0-1). (Councilmember Hohnes abstained.) <br /> <br />Mayor Harpstead stated he appreciates the difficulties of the homeowner and feels that the park <br />dedications fees are a part of the quality of the city and would not like to trade off the fees for <br />easements. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holmes asked if the property owner were made aware of the park dedication <br />fee. Mr. Lehnhoff replied they have been aware of the fee since at least September of 2006 and <br />was included as a condition with the preliminary plat. In the preliminary plat report, there was a <br />potential range for the park dedication fee, which was higher than what the park dedication fee <br />was set at it tonight. It is likely the park dedication fee was discussed sooner. <br /> <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br />A.l Motion to Approve the Preliminarv Development Al!:reement with CRR LLC relatinl!: <br />to the purchase and redevelopment of the TCAAP Property <br /> <br />Ms. Barton introduced Mr. Bubul, of Kennedy and Graven, to discuss the development <br />agreement with CRR, LLC. <br />