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04-09-07 Item 7B, AUAR Relating to TCAAP
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04-09-07 Item 7B, AUAR Relating to TCAAP
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4/6/2007 11:43:20 AM
04-09-07 Item 7B, SRF Consult Contract
General - Type
Agenda Item
Contract for AUAR Relating to TCAAP
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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 10, 2006 <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />government unit oversee the ADAR process, which in this case was the City of Arden Hills. She stated <br />there WlS also likely to be a lot of attention paid to this environmental review by various organizations <br />and to ensure that the document was kept beyond reproach, it was best to be contracted through the <br />City and not the developer who had a vested interest in how that environmental review Came out. <br /> <br />Couocilmember Holdeo asked why the City did not take the responsibility to set up the interview <br />process instead of Ryan arranging evel}'1hing. Ms. Bartoo responded for making the process go more <br />smoothly, efficient, and economical it made sense to do the interview process for all six finns at once. <br /> <br />Couocilmember Graot stated he had the same concerns as Councilmember Holden. He asked how <br />they arrived at the amount. Ms. Bartoo responded that was the number they submitted with the RFP <br />and there had been no negotiations on the amount. <br /> <br />Couocilmember Larsoo indicated he believed staff had been very wise in how they have set this up. <br />He noted these documents were very important to the public when approving a new development and <br />staffhad recognized the important of having an arms length relationship with the developer. He believed <br />this was a smart move on the City's part to do this. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski agreed this safeguarded the integrity of the City. <br /> <br />Couocilmembe r Holdeo requested a memorandum of what the process really was. She asked where <br />they were at. Ms. Wolfe stated as part of getting this consulting team in place, they would submit <br />timelines and the steps involved. She stated these timelines and steps would be forwarded to Council. <br /> <br />Couocilmember Holdeo requested the RFP information also. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Grant moved and Mayor Aplikowski seconded a motion to <br />approve a contract with SRF, Inc. for possible future preparation of an ADAR <br />review relating to the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant such awarding of the <br />contract shall be subject to future Council approval and subject to a funding <br />formulary with the developer. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski stated she did not like the word "possible". Couocilmember Graot suggested <br />removing the word possible and changing to a "future preparation." <br /> <br />Couocilmember Larsoo stated he could not support the motion. He stated the condition regarding <br />having an agreement in place that allowed for reimbursement of the City was something that Came at the <br />time when the contract was brought forward for approval. He stated here all they were doing was to <br />authorize staff to go forward and develop a contract for an ADAR to be brought back to Council for <br />approval. At that point, the expectation would be that the developer would pay for this. He stated he <br />did not see the point in doing this now. Couocilmember Graot responded he wanted to ensure the <br />ADAR was not started without Council approval. <br />
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