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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 30, 2006 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />3. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />a. Claims and Payroll <br />b. Motion to Approve Payment #4 to Arnt Construction in the amount of <br />$392,661.84 for the 2006 Ridgewood Neighborhood PMP Project <br />c. Motion to Order the Removal of Diseased Trees at 1901 Stowe Avenue, 1926 <br />Stowe Avenue, and 1870 Glenpaul Avenue <br />d. Resolution No. 06-51: Authorizing the Application for Recycling SCORE Grant <br />Funds for 2007 <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Pellegrin moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br />motion to approve the Consent Calendar and to authorize execution of all <br />necessary documents contained therein. The motion carried unanimously <br />(4-0). <br /> <br />4. PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br /> <br />None. <br /> <br />5. PUBLIC INOUlRIES/INFORMATIONAL <br /> <br />Kathy Nelson, 3475 Siems Court, stated she was representing the neighbors who used the <br />Siems Court, Lake Johanna intersection on a regular basis. She stated no one in the community <br />who used the road was consulted before it was drastically changed. She asked from what they <br />were being saved from. She noted vehicles were not able to turn onto Siems Court off of Lake <br />Johanna and stay in their own lane in either direction. She noted this has become extremely <br />unsafe. She stated their street had been narrowed to 22 feet wide, when it used to he 25 feet. She <br />stated they did not have enough room to safely maneuver. She indicated they were also <br />concerned about walkers and bikers who had nowhere to go. She requested they change the <br />narrow entrance by widening it and scheduling a neighborhood meeting to address the concerns. <br />She indicated there were 25 people who had sigued this request. <br /> <br />Diane Pearson, 1556 Arden Place, stated she had also personally experienced the problem of <br />exiting her neighborhood. She noted the problem was that they needed the entire width of the <br />road to make the turn in. She did not believe this was safe. <br /> <br />Ms. Giga stated the width of the intersection was a result of neighborhood meetings and it was in <br />the feasibility report. She indicated the neighbors had desired the existing width. She noted to <br />minimize other impacts upon the roadway; the road was designed at a 22-foot width. She stated <br />they wanted to improve the angle of the intersection and to provide a better transition as well as <br />to improve sight lines. <br /> <br />Deb Bloom, City Engineer, stated the intersection used to be at a 40 degree angle and now this <br />angle had been improved. She indicated all intersections met or exceeded the required turning <br />