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<br /> <br />Government Fund Types <br /> <br />. Governmental <br />- Used for activities that are largely unique to the <br />government environment <br />Proprietary <br />- Business-type activities <br />Fiduciary <br />- Acting as an agent or trustee of monies that <br />generally belong to other parties <br /> <br /> <br />Governmental Fund Types (5) <br /> <br />. Pennanent Fund <br />- Report financial resources that are legally restricted so only <br />earnings, not principal, may be expended, and for purposes to <br />benefit the government and its citizenry <br />. Capital Projects Fund <br />Is used 10 account for the financIal resources available and <br />used for acquisition or construction of GENERAL fixed assets <br />(Le.fixed asselsolherthan Ihal assoclaled with enterprise or <br />fiduciary funds) <br />Ii Debt Service Fund <br />Is used to account for the financial resources available and <br />used for payment of interest and principle on GENERAL long. <br />tenn debt (Le.long-term debt other that that associated with <br />enlerpriseorfiduciaryfunds) <br /> <br /> <br />Governmental Fund Types (5) <br /> <br />. Special Revenue Fund <br />Is used to account for the financial resources provided by <br />revenue sources which are legally restricted to specified <br />purposes {olher lhan capital projecls or debt service) <br />. General Fund <br />- Used to account for financial resources other than those which <br />are required to be accounted for in another fund. Therecan <br />only be one general fund and it accounts for most of the <br />ongoing acUvilies of the governmenl <br /> <br />5 <br />