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<br />Memo <br />2008 Budget Memo <br />2 <br /> <br />· In talking with the fmancial advisors, staff, and looking at the current asset and <br />equipment list, one ofthe areas which we need to address is setting up reserves for <br />equipment replacement. Weare currently setting aside reserves for public safety <br />equipment, but none has been set aside for public works equipment replacement, <br />technology - such as computers, etc. Staff would recommend that we set up some sort of <br />reserve for equipment replacement and major building repairs. <br />· Another area where staff sees a need is in park funding. Park dedication fees are <br />generally limited to capital improvements not general repair and maintenance items and <br />they are not a steady stream of income. In looking at the financial plan, staff sees a need <br />to set up a reserve for park improvements. This fund would then be a funding source for <br />items which are included in the CIP. <br />· Overall budget increases - preferences/limits? <br />· Salaries and Benefits. Last year, the Council authorized a 2.75% increase for steps/COLA <br />increases. This was also the rate increase agreed by the labor union for 2006 and 2007. <br />The labor agreement expires on December 31, 2007. A new agreement needs to be <br />negotiated. For several years, the Council budgeted a 3% increase for COLA. Staff has <br />sent out a survey to gather information on what other cities have used over the last three <br />years. The average increase for cities on the survey were 3% - 2007, 2.9% - 2006, and <br />2.85% - 2005. This information is attached for your review. The current compensation <br />study will show us the market rates; future COLA increases will determine if we stay <br />current with the market or fall behind. <br />· Increase in employee benefits costs (health and dental). We do not yet have preliminary <br />numbers for these costs yet, but will be getting these in the next few months. Our <br />insurance broker is going out to market to price rates and get quotes. We will compare <br />this information to our current coverage and discuss with council at a future date. Until <br />we get the actual numbers, a 15% increase will be used. The current City contribution <br />towards health and dental is $615 per month. Over the past few years, the Council had <br />approved budgeting for 50% of the increase in premium. In other words, the City equally <br />shared the rate increase with the employees. Last year the Council approved budgeting <br />for 50% of the increase, but also added an additional plan with a deductible at a lower <br />cost. This plan was available to employees with the same City contribution as the co-pay <br />plan, as they were taking on more of the risk, but participation in the plan would reduce <br />city overall costs. One employee has taken advantage of the plan to date, but it is a new <br />plan and further education to employees on how the plan works is planned. Would this <br />be an appropriate formula to continue to use for budget purposes? <br />. Update the five year CIP. <br />· As a step in creating a quality budget document, performance measures/service indicators <br />need to be established for each department. Some of these may come about as a result of <br />the community survey as areas that the Council would like to improve. Goals and <br />objectives also need to be established for each department. These would need to be <br />established in 2008, then in subsequent years actual performance can be tracked to show <br />progress against these goals. This would provide Council and the public another tool to <br />evaluate city services. Staff has attached examples of performance measures/service <br />indicators and objectives/goals for departments. Staff would appreciate input from the <br />Council on this matter. <br />