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<br />2004, and shall expire on the 31st day of December, 2008; provided <br />that the City adopts and communicates the Extension Resolution prior to <br />the 31't day of December, 2002. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />., <br />,t <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />The second Extended Term shall commence on the 1st day of January, <br />2009, and shall expire on the 31st day of December, 2013; provided <br />that the City adopts and communicates the Extension Resolution prior to <br />the 31'1 day of December, 2007. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />The third Extended Term shall commence on the 1st day of January, <br />2014, and shall expire on the 31st day of December, 2018; provided <br />that the City adopts and communicates the Extension Resolution prior to <br />the 31'1 day of December, 2012. <br /> <br />B. Termination Without Cause. This SeNice Contract may be terminated by either <br />party without cause upon the adoption of a Termination Resolution and <br />communication of such resolution in writing to the other party at least one year <br />prior to the termination date. <br /> <br />C. Termination for Default. The failure of a party to comply with its Obligations <br />pursuant to the terms of this SeNice Contract shall be considered a "Default". <br />In the event of a Default, the non-defaulting party may give the defaulting party <br />written notice of the event of Default. Notice of Default shall be sent by certified <br />mail - return receipt requested, shall define the Default, and may indicate how <br />the Default is to be corrected. The defaulting party may have sixty (60) days <br />from the date of the delivery of the certified notice to the post office to correct the <br />Default. The failure of the defaulting party to correct the Default or to request <br />arbitration as hereinafter provided, within the reqUired time limit, shall <br />automatically terminate this agreement and the Obligations of the parties <br />provided that all obligations shall be satisfied in full up to and including the date <br />of termination. <br /> <br />In the event there is a dispute regarding whether there is a default, either party <br />may submit the question to final and binding arbitration pursuant to the <br />American Arbitration Association Commercial Arbitration Rules. If such <br />submission is made, the Agreement will not be terminated until the arbitration <br />award is rendered. <br /> <br />4.0 City's Responsibilities. City shall have the responsibility and right to: <br /> <br />A. Assist Fire Department, as needed, in the recruitment of additional fire fighters; <br /> <br />B. Specify levels of seNice in excess of those defined in Section 5.0 for its Fire <br /> <br />2 <br />