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<br />A master plan, zoning changes and development/redevelopment <br />efforts designed to create a city center would benefit Arden Hills <br />greatly. This center would be addressed through the way-finding <br />signage presented elsewhere in this strategy and supported through <br />various fairs and festivals held purposely in this area to help create <br />greater awareness and presence for the city center in the community. <br /> <br />The EDC views this initiative as a top priority. <br /> <br />10) Trails & Recreation Program <br /> <br />Arden Hills is challenged by the presence of major segregating assets <br />which are its highways and lakes. These bisect the community into <br />small pockets allowing for separate and unique residential <br />opportunities. However, this separation also increases the need for <br />attention to be paid on linking the individual pieces together. Citizens <br />in Arden Hills reflect their interest in a trails program as they often site <br />the segmented nature of the community in discussions and surveys. <br />The City's Parks, Trails, and Recreation Committee (PTRC) developed a <br />master plan in 2002. This plan links the trail system into a unified <br />network of pedestrian transportation throughout the community. <br /> <br />The EDC views this initiative as a top priority and fully supports the <br />PTRCs Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan. <br /> <br />11) Development Sites. <br /> <br />As a land locked community, Arden Hills is rapidly running out of <br />developable sites for consideration. This shifts the community's <br />priorities from a development to a redevelopment nature. Due to <br />development pressures in and around the community, single site <br />redevelopments can and will most often be handled by market forces. <br />However, we may have some tracts of land that are under or non- <br />performing and convert them to a higher and better use is what we <br />are talking about here. Arden Hills is at a point where master <br />planning entire neighborhoods, retail districts, business parks and yes, <br />the city center needs to move onto the public agenda. Through this <br />process, a more proactive vision for the city can be implemented. <br />Accomplishing this vision will require the city's participation in the <br />development process through financing, incenting and negotiating key <br />partners to participate in the process. <br /> <br /> <br />The EDC views this initiative as a top priority and further defines the <br />following areas as key redevelopment sites: The Red Fox/Gray Fox <br />bUSiness/industrial area, the former City Hall site on CR 96, the <br />Lexington and CR E business area, and the Chesapeake property in the <br />Gateway Business District. <br /> <br />Strategic Plan for Economic Development Page 10 of 20 <br />\\\ardenhills\Admin\Committees\Economic Development Commission\AH Strategic Plan - Final 5-16-07.doc <br />