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<br />Transit Markets/Service Options <br /> <br />The table below identifies transit strategies that appear to be most appropriate for the different transit markets that <br />are in the metropolitan area. The service delivery strategies presented are only illustrative and not exhaustive. <br />Detailed analysis of specific communities within the metropolitan area may generate other creative means of <br />delivering effective transit services. <br /> <br />Transit Suggested Service Characteristics <br />Market Area SUl!l!ested Service Tvoe <br />Area I Primary emphasis on big bus/regular route Orientation - Focus on both CBD's <br /> service complemented by paratransit Availability - Up to 24 hours/day and 7 <br /> service. Downtown area circulators days/week <br /> possible. Access- Route spacing (.25 -.50 miles) <br /> with 8-10 bus stops per mile <br /> Frenuencv - Generally 5 - 15 minutes <br />Area 11 Primary emphasis on big bus/regular route Orientation - Link CBD's/suburban <br /> service complemented by paratransit transit stations and centers <br /> service. Neighborhood circulators should Availability - Up to 20 hours/day and 7 <br /> tie in with limited stop regular route days/week <br /> servIce. Access - Route spacing (0.5 - 1.0 miles) <br /> with 6-10 stops per mile <br /> Freauencv - Generally 15 - 30 minutes <br />Area III A mix of big and small bus/regular route Orientation - Link CBD's/suburban <br /> and community circulator service transit stations and centers <br /> complemented by paratransit service. Availability- Up to 18 hours/day and Up <br /> Community circulators should tie into to 7 days/week <br /> regular route regional service at a transfer Access - Route spacing (0.5 - 1.5 miles) <br /> point. with 6-10 stops per mile <br /> Freauencv - Generallv 30 - 60 minutes <br />Area IV Primary emphasis on: I) small bus/dial-a- Orientation - Suburb to suburb and central <br /> ride service providing county or rural cities <br /> circulation, and 2) community bus service Availability - Peak-period express and <br /> tied to major park-and-ride facilities to midday circulators; weekday only <br /> create travel volumes. Access - Express routes tied to major <br /> park-and-rides/circulators link to transit <br /> stations and centers <br /> FrequencT - Advance registration for dial- <br /> a-ride services <br />Pockets Primary emphasis on I) small bus service Orientation - Localized <br /> providing community local or dial-a-ride AvailabiIity- Varies by pocket; primarily <br /> circulation, and 2) commuter bus service weekday service <br /> may have localized service in addition to Access - Door-to-door or modified <br /> linking with major park-and-ride facilities circulation; express routes primarily tied <br /> to create travel volumes. to park-and-ride facilities <br /> Frequency - Up to 2 hours for circulator <br /> services. Advance registration for dial-a- <br /> ride <br /> <br />T-lO <br />