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<br />Activity <br /> <br />Task 1: Or anize the Effort <br />Gather and prepare base geographic, demographic, and <br />infrastructure data. <br />Staff Kick-off meetin <br />Plannin Commission/Ci Council kick-off meetin <br />Task 2: Define the Context <br />Draft demo fa hie and socia-economic rofile. <br />Draft SU ortin ma s. <br />Review relevant laos and studies. <br />Staff Meetin to review data and studies. <br />. Task 3: Explore and Confirm the Arden Hills Vision <br />Meet with the PTRC to discuss incorporation of Parks, Trails, <br />and Open Space Plan into the Camp Plan and the role of the <br />BeBS rant. <br />Communi Worksho #1: Vision Session. <br />Meet with the EDC to discuss lannin Icommunit issues. <br />Review workshop #1 results with joint Planning Commission/City <br />Council meeting. <br />Task 4: Define the Plannin Issues <br />Assess future planning issues. Staff {including HKGi, SEH, and <br />Roseville to meetin to discuss lannin issues. <br />Joint Planning Commission/City Council meeting to discuss <br />lannin issues. <br />Communi Worksho #2: Identi ubJic concerns. <br />Review workshop #2 results with joint Planning Commission/City <br />Council meetin <br />Meet with the PTRC to discuss BCSS incorporation into the <br />Com rehensive Plan. <br />Meet with the EDC to discuss the draft EDC Strate ic Plan_ <br />Task 5: Develop Draft Comprehensive Plan and <br />1m lementation Strate ies <br />Review trans ortation data. <br />Review infrastructure data from Ci En ineer. <br />Begin compiling each section of the Comprehensive Plan <br />update, including TCAAP components. <br /> <br />Arden Hills Town Hall meeting (if possible, release the draft plan <br />or ortions of the Ian for ublic view. <br />Conduct review of plan elements. Meet with the PTRC, EOC, <br />Plannin Commission, and Ci Council for draft Plan review_ <br />Release draft 2008 Comprehensive Plan for public comment via <br />website if read <br />Workshop #3: Hold open house to present the final draft of the <br />Plan and seek final input. <br />Task 6: Seek A rovals and Finalize Plan <br />Final Planoin Commission ublic hearin and resentation. <br />Formal Comprehensive Plan update presentation to the City <br />CounCil for approval. <br />Task 7: Additional Government Review <br />Submit the Plan to the adjacent governments and school districts <br />for review and comment. <br />If necessary, amend the Comprehensive Plan based on the <br />comments from adjacent units of government and the school <br />district and seek necessary Planning Commission/City Council <br />approvals. <br />Task 8: Submit the Plan to the Metropolitan Council for <br />A roval <br /> <br />Created: May 14, 2007, This project work plan is subject to change <br /> <br />2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Work Plan <br /> <br />Timeline <br />May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 Aug 2007 Sept 2007 Oct 2007 Nav 2007 Dec 2007 Jan 2008 Feb 2008 Mar 2008 Apr 2008 May - Oct 2008 Nav 2008 Dec 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />. , . <br />-----~ .-------,------,-----r-- <br />, <br /> <br />w----,~-----r---- <br /> <br />, , <br />_ _....... _ .____ __,.- _ __.. v ~__ ~.. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />~ .... - ~ .-- .. .. <br /> <br />, , <br />- f-" ----.,.-----.,.---------- <br /> <br />..r------ <br /> <br />, <br />" <br /> <br />...L__ <br /> <br />..c-------- <br />_L n.. <br /> <br />.. 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