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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1, June, 2005 <br /> <br />levet red. <br /> <br />Responsibilities for EOC Activation <br /> <br />In the event of a major disaster, EOC staff would be expected to <br />automatically report to the EOC. However, the Maplewood Emergency <br />Director is responsible for ensuring that the EOC is activated according to <br />the criteria described above. <br /> <br />EOC Staffing <br /> <br />EOC Staffing lists are on file with the Maplewood Emergency <br />Management Director and include: <br /> <br />. Mayor <br />. City Manager <br />. Assistant City Manager <br />. Emergency Management Director <br />. City Planner <br />. City Attorney <br />. City Finance Director <br />. Public Works Director/City Engineer <br />. Parks and Recreation Director <br />. Police Chief <br />. Fire Chief <br />. Deputy Fire and Deputy Potice Chief <br /> <br />Each department/agency which is represented in the EOC is responsible for <br />ensuring that its representative is famitiar with the duties which he/she is <br />expected to perform at the EOC (each department/agency shall develop a <br />checktist ofresponsibitities to be carried out by its EOC representative). <br />This checktist will indicate when additional EOC staff will be required and <br />when they should be released from the EOC. <br /> <br />Ramsey County EMHS may be requested to provide a representative to the <br />EOC to coordinate the county" s response. Space will be provided in the <br />EOC for county, state, and federal officiats, should their presence be <br />necessary. Such officials will be briefed regularly as to the status of the <br />disaster. City officials, however, wit! remain responsible for providing <br />direction and control of the city's response to a disaster. <br /> <br />Family members of EOC staff or essential workers may be relocated to the <br />Maplewood Community Center for their safety and security if they wish. <br /> <br />73 <br />