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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Mounds <br />View <br /> <br />Revision 5.1, June, 2005 <br /> <br />Line of Succession <br /> <br />The Mayor of Mounds View is ultimately responsible for providing <br />direction and control of city government resources involved in the response <br />to a disaster. The tine of succession to the Mayor is as follows: <br /> <br />t. Mayor <br />2. Acting Mayor <br />3. City Administrator <br />4. Finance Director <br />5. Community Development Director <br /> <br />The Mounds View Emergency Management Director will serve in a staff <br />capacity to the Mayor, will imptement this plan, and will coordinate <br />emergency operations. Line of succession to the Mounds View Emergency <br />Management Director is as follows: <br /> <br />1. Deputy Police Chief <br />2. Fire Chief <br />3. Police Sergeant <br /> <br />Command and Control issnes <br /> <br />The Mayor will be responsible for providing overall direction and control <br />of city government resources involved in the response to a disaster. The <br />City Emergency Management Director will serve in a staff capacity to the <br />Mayor, will implement this plan, and will coordinate emergency <br />operations. Direction and control of the City of Mounds View response to a <br />maior disaster will be carried out at the Emeroencv OneratinQ Center <br /> <br />I I Excised I <br /> <br />For Emergencies/Limited Scope Disasters <br />An incident command system (ICS) will be established to direct the initial <br />response by city forces to the event. (If ICS is implemented, the first <br />arriving senior official will serve as the incident commander, until he/she is <br />properly relieved). If organizational control of the incident escalates <br />beyond the capability of field command, the City Emergency Operating <br />Center (EOC) may be activated to provide overall command of the <br />incident. This will generally become necessary when the incident covers a <br />targe geographic area, multiple locations, and/or when multiple responding <br />agencies are involved. Activation may be requested by the Incident <br />Commander, the E.M. Director or Deputy, Mayor or City Administrator <br /> <br />75 <br />