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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1, June, 2005 <br /> <br />APPENDlXB:CO.UNTY INCIDENT MANA(iE;~:. <br /> <br />>>,,;;:;;b>..',,0 <br /> <br />',,~-- ..-.. >",-..,..,,, <br />^""",,,-,,<,,,,.^ <br />.,.,.-.",,,^,-...,., <br />'''',o'..'',''''','^'' <br /> <br />ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> <br />During the phase of an emergency during which lives or property are at <br />obvious and imminent risk, the county Incident Manager is responsible to: <br /> <br />. Obtain for operational and administrative purposes, critical <br />supplies, equipment, and such other items found lacking and <br />needed for the protection of life and property, and to bind the <br />county for the fair market value thereof and to commandeer the <br />same for public use within the limits of county ordinances and state <br />and federal law. <br /> <br />. Require emergency services of any county officer or employee, and <br />to command the aid of as many citizens of the county as deemed <br />necessary in the execution of these duties commensurate with the <br />limitations of applicable state and local law. <br /> <br />. Request the county Board of Commissioners to requisition <br />personnel or property necessary for the conduct of emergency <br />operations. <br /> <br />. Select and designate at his/her discretion additional members to <br />the Emergency Operations Team to assist in the performance of <br />the duties of county Incident Manager <br /> <br />. Respect the integrity of local government entities and the unity of <br />their service forces <br /> <br />. At his/her discretion delegate these authorities to other Ramsey <br />County Emergency Operations Team members <br /> <br />The role of county Incident Manager will usually be passed to another <br />individual when the Incident Manager in consultation with the Emergency <br />Operations Team, determines that the situation has stabilized to the point <br />where there is no longer an imminent threat to life, safety and property. This <br />phase would include the activities necessary for recovery and restoration to <br />normal of county functions. <br /> <br />During this phase of the emergency, the county Incident Manager will: <br /> <br />. If the scope of the situation warrants, establish and maintain within <br />the EOC appropriate assets for the coordination of recovery efforts. <br />If warranted, establish a separate Recovery Coordination Center or <br />to redirect the full effort of the EOC to the coordination of recovery <br />efforts <br /> <br />111 <br />