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<br />Ramsey County-Wide Emergency Operations Plan <br /> <br />Revision 5.1 June. 2005 <br /> <br />analysis; exposure assessment. Objectives: to identify the risks to an <br />organization, assess the critical functions necessary for an organization to <br />continue business operations, define controls that are in place to reduce <br />organizational exposure, and evaluate the cost for such controls. <br /> <br />RCSO - Ramsey County Sheriffs Office <br /> <br />ROC Regional Operations Center (a State of Minnesota asset for maintaining a <br />manageable span of control during disasters). <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />SARA - The "Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986." Title III <br />of SARA includes detailed provisions for community planning. <br /> <br />SCBA - Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus <br /> <br />SCO - State Coordinating Officer <br /> <br />SERC - State Emergency Response Commission <br /> <br />SEOC - State Emergency Operations Center <br /> <br />Shelter - A facility which provides protection from one or more of the effects of a <br />natural disaster, hazardous materials incident/accident, nuclear attack, or other <br />type of disaster. <br /> <br />SPRCDPH - St. Paul/Ramsey County Department of Public Health <br /> <br />SPRWS - Saint Paul Regional Water Services <br /> <br />SO - Safety Officer. A part of the Incident Command Staff <br /> <br />SOP's - Standard Operating Procedures - A set of specific instructions having <br />the force of a directive, covering those features of operations which lend <br />themselves to a definite or standardized procedure without loss of effectiveness. <br />SOPs generally describe how a task is to be carried out. <br /> <br />SOG's - Standard Operating Guidelines (Similar to SOP's) <br /> <br />Superfund - The trust fund established under CERCLA to provide money the <br />OSC can use during a cleanup. <br /> <br />T <br /> <br />Terrorism - The actual or threatened use of force against non-military targets or <br />persons, carried out by persons other than the legal military of a nation, with the <br />intent to force political or social change. <br /> <br />133 <br />