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02-20-07 Item 2C, I-35W Corridor Coalition Membership
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02-20-07 Item 2C, I-35W Corridor Coalition Membership
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6/25/2007 3:31:15 PM
Creation date
6/18/2007 4:53:34 PM
02-20-07 Item 2C, I-35W Membership
General - Type
Agenda Item
I-35W Coalition Membership
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<br />~'-c' <br /> <br /> <br />designing improvements to 1-694 through parts of Arden Hills. The redevelopment ofthe <br />TCAAP property will have transportation impacts which will drive discussion about I-35W, <br />Highway 10, County Road H, County Road I, and Highway 96, among others. The I-35W <br />Corridor Coalition is focused on I-35W and how to achieve improvements in the corridor area. <br />In each ofthese areas, different "neighbors" may be involved. So we will likely need multiple <br />venues for working with our neighbors to reach consensus, and one of those venues can be the <br />Coalition. <br /> <br />Staff is in the process of meeting with our neighboring cities to initiate discussion as it relates <br />specifically to TCAAP. We know that we will need to involve them in discussions and decision <br />making as our Master Planning process proceeds, therefore, we want to make sure they are <br />informed about the project and its progress. We have plans to form "working groups" including <br />representatives from each city, the County, MnlDOT, consultants, and City staff to have an on- <br />going dialogue as we progress. The Coalition obviously looks at a larger portion ofI35W than <br />that near TCAAP, but the corridor is impacted by TCAAP and the Coalition could serve as <br />another venue for sharing and providing information and building consensus. 1 don't believe the <br />Coalition will serve as a vehicle for the TCAAP-related discussions with our neighbors, but it <br />can provide additional input and resources. <br /> <br />Coalition response: Through face to face dialogue over the best set of information available to <br />understand the alternatives available. The Coalition has been operating toward that purpose since <br />we formalized the process in 1996. Prior to that, several ofthe Mayors met together periodically <br />to compare notes, involving the city managers/administrators as well. Early on, transportation <br />was a focal point. The Coalition Board now provides scheduled forum time as well as the <br />opportunity to establish relationships that foster more frequent conversations. <br /> <br />#2: How can Arden Hills balance the interaction of all of your major intersections that <br />require creative design and good project commnnication as to costs/benefits? <br /> <br />I spoke with SEH about this topic. They are working with MnDOT on the 1-694 project. They <br />also have done studies on the 1-35 Corridor for MnlDOT, and worked on the County Road J <br />Interchange improvements as part ofthe Medtronic project. In addition, they have been hired by <br />CRR to do the transportation planning for the TCAAP Master Plan. Therefore, I thought they <br />would have a good regional perspective and a lot of background to offer on this topic. They <br />indicated that in their recent discussions with City staff and with residents at the Town Hall <br />Meeting, the transportation questions extend beyond TCAAP and its impact on the transportation <br />system. In order to comprehensively get at these broader questions, they suggested that now <br />would be a great time to start the city transportation plan update process. They have had a few <br />initial discussions with Community Development Director Barton about this, as it would be part <br />of the City's Comprehensive Plan Update. We think we can cost effectively build offthe work <br />SEH is doing for TCAAP and extend it to cover the entire City as part of the Comprehensive <br />Plan Update. The Coalition can, as stated earlier, provide additional input and resources to these <br />discussions as they progress. It should also be noted that the Comprehensive Plan Update <br />process includes reviews by our neighboring communities, which leads back to question number <br />one above. <br />
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