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<br />, <br /> <br />development for the specific areas within The Oaks with a sell out or <br /> <br />lease up plan for the business park. Please provide descriptions of the <br /> <br />type of uses on the property including an estimation of value at <br /> <br />completion. The City will take retum on investment in terms of the <br /> <br />development of the business/office park, creation of jobs, types of <br /> <br />jobs with anticipated wage level (both as construction and final built <br /> <br />out stage) into consider as a part of its review. <br /> <br />3. A site plan design consisting of drawings and maps showing building <br /> <br />locations, building elevations, parking areas, etc., should be provided <br /> <br />for the City's review. A specific note as to how and where Helmo Ave. <br /> <br />will be integrated should also be provided for the overpass. The City <br /> <br />Engineer will provided a topographic map of the site and should be <br /> <br />~ \ <br />J <br /> <br />consulted in terms of public improvement to the property. <br /> <br />4. A statement must be provided describing the project financing, <br /> <br />including sources and use of funds indicating equity participation <br /> <br />from private sources. In addition, a breakdown of how much public <br /> <br />and private financing will be involved should also be included. It <br /> <br />would also be appropriate to note in what ways the City Of Oakdale <br /> <br />will be asked to help with the funding. It is appropriate to provide a <br /> <br />preliminary development pro forma. It would also be appropriate to <br /> <br />show rationale for any City assistance asked for in the land <br /> <br />acquisition/construction of public facilities or for the approval of tax- <br /> <br />5 <br />