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<br />> <br /> <br />SARTELL, MINNESOTA <br /> <br /> <br />Permitted Uses: Single Famih- Homes, Twin Homes, Town Homes, Aparr- <br />menrs, Public/Private Elementary and Secondary Schools, Churches, Post Secondary <br />Schools and Colleges, State licensed Davcare and nursery School Facilitics (J 6 or <br />fewer persons), State Licenscd Residential Facility (J6 or fewer persons). <br /> <br />AppJicable Regulations: <br />1. General Zoning and Subdi\'ision Requirements (R-3)* 2. Wetland setbacks * <br />3. Life Cycle Housing Requirement. * 4. Payment In lieu Dedication Requirements* <br />5. Trail/Sidewalk Requirements* <br />6. Public Road Right of Way Requirement (Heritage Drive and Internal Roads) <br /> <br />Wetland Information: ,-\pprm'ed \Vetland Delineation* completed in Decem- <br />ber 2002. The City of Sarrell has a wetland protecrion ordinance and is the LG U for <br />aU \X'CA permits. An Army Corp of Engineer~s Permit may be necessary if there are <br />any impacts to the wetlands. <br />Proposal Submission Requirements: <br />. Sealed proposals '\l,,-iU be accepted until the time of proposal opening at 2:00 p.m. on <br />Monday, August 16,2004, at SandI City Hall. The Proposal will be reviewed by an ap- <br />pointed subcommittee for eyaluanon and recommendation to the Gty Council. The <br />City Council's approval of a specific proposal is subject to successful negotiation of a <br />Developees Agreement. ** <br />. Proposal submission documents must be completed in its entirety listing the [Otal pur~ <br />chase price for the property. ,-\ proposed development concept plan must also be in~ <br />eluded \\ith the submission. <br />. Closing date must be on or before December 30, 2004, with payment in full provided <br />at the time of dosing. <br />. City shall allow buyer and its agents access to the subject property \vithout charge and <br />at all reasonable times for the purpose of im'esrigation and testing with said costs and <br />expenses solely the responsibility of the buyer. <br />. AU rdevam and customary de\-elopment related fees and development requirements <br />will be required for the proposed development of the property. <br />. The City reserves the right to reiee[ all proposals and offers for the subject property. <br />. The City of SarreU will be reraining the fencing located on the property. <br /> <br />*-*Proposals will be c\-aluated on a number of criteria including (but not limited to:) <br />1. Ecunomic and community benefit to Sa nett <br />2. Impact on adjacent proper~'. <br />3. Aesthetics of the de'\.e1opmcnt. including site and building plans. <br />4. Intended development [imelinc. <br />5. Responsiveness to requirements of [he Request for Proposals. <br />