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<br />Line 34: <br /> <br />Provide a detailed description of the proposed non - infrastructure <br />program and how it will address the conditions described in Line 27. <br /> <br />Line 35: <br /> <br />Please provide the requested cost estimates for each category. While <br />individual costs do not need to be itemized, consider the cost of items like <br />construction materials, design, labor, right - of - way, printing, mailings, <br />incentives, salaried police time when developing your estimates <br /> <br />Line 36: <br /> <br />If additional funds are being used to supplement the proposed SRTS <br />project please indicate the amount of the funds, their source, and status. <br />Remember SRTS monies may not be used as a match for other federal <br />funds. <br />LOCAL FUNDS: $0 <br />IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS: $52.800 <br />$1.800 for crosswalk painting - including labor - provided from Ramsey County <br />Public Works. <br />$15,000 for crosswalk signal light - provided from Ramsey County Parks and <br />Recreation. <br />$36,000 for relocation of 9 fire hydrants - provided from the City of Arden Hills. <br />STATE FUNDS: $0 <br />OTHER FEDERAL FUNDS: $0 <br /> <br />Letters of Concurrence <br /> <br />Letters of concurrence are required from all affected road authorities and schools or school <br />districts. The letters function as a signature and indicate to the reviewers that all affected parties <br />have been notified and agree to the project. For the application to be eligible for review letters of <br />concurrence must be submitted with the application from the following entities: <br /> <br />. School principal or superintendent <br />. Each of the affected roadway authorities, which may include: <br />o City Engineer <br />o County Engineer <br />o MnlDOT District Engineer <br /> <br />Letters of concurrence should be submitted on official letterhead and contain the following: <br />. Declaration of project support. <br />. Role in the application development. <br />. Role in project if selected. <br />. Official signature. <br /> <br />Letters of Support <br /> <br />Applicants may provide additional letters of support from key partners beyond the required letters <br />of concurrence. Partners should have a specific role in the success of your SRTS project and <br />letters of support should be addressed to the local project manager not Mn/DOT. These <br />partnerships will be evaluated as part of the bonus criteria. <br /> <br />Application Checklist <br /> <br />Minnesota Safe Routes to School <br />2007 Grant Application Instructions <br /> <br />16 <br />