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<br />.... <br />< <br />C' <br />o <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION -JUNE 6, 2007 <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />development. He believed their proposal would be a dramatic improvement with respect <br />to stormwater management. He noted the Rice Creek Watershed District had asked for <br />an easement that covered the pond areas to ensure that they are maintained. He stated <br />they have tried to do everything they could to be responsible in taking into account the <br />environmental issues. He encouraged the retention of the landscaping on the south edge <br />to maintain the original intent. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman asked if they moved the landscaping south would any of the <br />berm remain. Mr. Kretman responded a significant portion of the berm would be taken <br />out. <br /> <br />Mr. Kretrnan stated he had also looked at shortened parking stalls if the front end of the <br />vehicle was over turf. He noted this would also reduce the variance. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson asked how they came to the number of parking spaces they <br />needed. Mr. Patterson, applicant, responded a lot of this was based on the number of <br />potential jobs they had. He stated they were anticipating by the end of summer to be <br />expanding their workforce. <br /> <br />Commissioner Holewa noted he had visited the site several times and they definitely <br />needed parking. He believed this was a responsible company. He noted over the top of <br />the berm on the southeast side there was buckthorn. Mr. Patterson responded this was a <br />natural area and there has been some trimming in the area. <br /> <br />Mr. Kretrnan noted currently there were a number of employees who parked off-site in <br />the United building parking lot. He indicated United was obtaining more tenants, which <br />would eliminate the overflow parking, so they needed additional parking for their <br />employees. <br /> <br />Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated he would hate to see Arden Hills lose a business just <br />because they ran out of parking spaces. He believed because they were doing the best <br />they could to mitigate this, he recommended they approve the additional parking spaces. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson stated he would modify condition 5 to say 15, which would be half <br />of the trees. He asked if that could be accommodated. Mr. Kretrnan responded he could <br />not say for sure until he walked the site again. <br /> <br />Commissioner Stodola concurred if they were going to move a lot of the trees to the <br />front; she was concerned how viable they would be. She believed where they intended to <br />move the trees seemed appropriate to her. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson moved, seconded by Commissioner Thompson, to recommend <br />approval of Planning Case 07-010 for a Conditional Use Permit Amendment and <br />Variance at 4300 West Round Lake Road based on the findings of fact and the submitted <br />