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<br />DATE: <br /> <br />June 19,2007 <br /> <br />7B. <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />.-A~HILLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />Michelle Wolfe, City Administrator <br /> <br />FROM: Sue Iverson, Finance Director <br /> <br />SUBJECT: 2006 City Financial Statements <br /> <br />BackgroundJDiscussion: <br /> <br />The City's 2006 Financial Statements have now been completed and are in production. Copies of the <br />reports will be distributed at Monday's meeting. The City's auditor will be present to give an overview <br />and answer questions. The auditors have issued an unqualified ("clean") opinion on our financial <br />statements for the year ended December 31, 2006. The total general fund balance at December 31, 2006 <br />was $1,586,438 or 53% of total general fund expenditures for 2007. The general fund balance increased <br />by $71,658. The City's total net assets increased by $1,838,828 and the combined ending fund balances <br />were $9,526,330. <br /> <br />In the past, the auditor has done the financial statement preparation for the City. Staff has completed the <br />statement "in-house" this year, which is a first for the City. We have also completed the report in the <br />form prescribed by the Government Finance Officers Association of United States and Canada (GFOA) <br />for their Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. In order to qualifY for this, <br />the report has to be published in an easily readable and efficiently organized Comprehensive Annual <br />Financial Report (CAFR) that satisfies both accounting principles generally accepted in the United States <br />of America and applicable legal requirements. Staff will submit this report to the GFOA CAFR program. <br /> <br />As a note of information, the changes to Auditing Standards are increasing and changing. With these <br />changes, you will see increased findings. As a result of this, things which have always been present, such <br />as segregation of duties, or adjusting journal entries found by the auditor will now be reported in the <br />Schedule of Findings and Responses; before these may have been reported as informational items. This <br />does not mean that the City has done anything wrong compared to previous years, only that the reporting <br />requirements have become much stricter. Many cities are experiencing these findings, and the findings <br />are expected to increase for all cities as these standards become stricter. Another item to note is that the <br />City had no Finance Director for the last five months of 2006, the Accounting Analyst left before year- <br />end, and support staff essentially took on the duties. Staff is responding to these finclings, but in light of <br />the circumstances is pleased with the outcome of the audit. <br /> <br />As a final reporting requirement, staff is preparing the required reports for the State Auditor's Office and <br />submitting a copy of these financial reports. <br />