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<br />Project Description <br /> <br />ARDEN HillS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FIVE YEAR SUMMARY 2006-2011 <br />REVISION DATE: January 18, 2007 <br /> <br /> TotalPmjectCost General Capit.1 Special Revenue General Fund PublicSalety MnDOT Slate.Aid Ut~~ Fuods(5 Commerlls <br /> Fuod(1) Park Fund '" Capital Fund Coap.AoreOOlent FundS/4) Sto,mWate' Waler San;tafY <br />2006 lWorkinn Can.l Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2006 $ 6,213,340 $ 187.882 $ - $ 302,250 $ 195.55011 $ 735,528 $ 416,012 <br />2006 RidawoodN.ighborhoodReconsfruolion , (2,D58,27g.DDI , (1.000,581.1'0) , 201',000.00 . 55'.1'26.00) , 231',548.00) , 89.36400) UpdaledtoindudeCr.a eOrder#2 <br /> Reoor>5tructliIlStatKlns::l,#11. #12. #13 , 35.000.01') , 35.DIJ1l,OD > Ineefln Coslsanl <br /> "" SchmidlPa,kUnder aSS . 32.000,1'0 ; 32,000.00 Count "m 01. Anllci led Eanie.l Construclion 21'1'6 <br /> Enhancemeots , 120.407,47 ; 120.407,47 , Total m t costs a roximatel S360.000, remainder aidb Ramse Count <br /> Serliler Sewer 1&1 Miti etKlnWork Cit Fames) . 25.000.001 , 25,000.01' Noedin I fram o&M on actual labor/eltoftabove ""fmal bud e\ed labofand materials <br /> Baskett>allfTennisCourIRer.abilitation RoalHillsandFiDtal , 12.000.1'1' . 1121'1'0,1'1' <br /> 3153 Shoreline lane Ofivewa' , 18,1'00.1'1' . 16.IlOO,00 <br /> VauhnT""",rAccessRoad , 17.603,28 , '7.60328 <br /> AssessmentI'. -'Enter riseFundCoOVJM~DOTStateAid estimated , 3'1,000 , , , , 200.000.00 , 501917 , 68,866 , 84,603 2005 PMP State Aid reimtru,sement a! S225.000 inollideainSlormWaterFurldoontriblllions <br /> Tolalsfor2006 , (2,316.289.75) . (843,591.75) , 132,000.00) , (212,OOG.00) , . '200.000.00 , (49,109.00) , (161,662.00) . (64,761.00) <br />2007 IWorkina Cae.! Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2007 $ 5,369,748 $ 155.882 $ - $ 502.250 $ 144,659 $ 573,866 $ 351,251 <br /> 2007 pMP. Mill and Dvenay , 764.500.00 , (532,000,001 , 200,000.001 , (20.000001 . 2.500,00 . 10,000,1'01 <br /> 2007 Sealcoat , 100,000.00) , 11'1'.000.1'1'1 <br /> OldH' hwa 10Sidewalktm ovementsCPRa,Bridel , /230.01'0.00 , 50.00000 ; 180.000.00 Costlo,brideworkonl:tra.coslsiocludedas rtof Snellm AvanueReionalTrail " ""din2Dl0 <br /> Storm Pona Main\e""nce Pro'oct , 50,001'.001 , 50.000.00 loclude.Removal 01 S;I\De sit. lor Exl.lin Cit Pond. <br /> Seniler Sewer I&t Mit. ationl"lork , 100,100.00 , 100,100.00 <br /> aaska\ball/TenOlsCourtRal1ab;lilation Cummin s , (30,001'.00) , :J5.000.00 <br /> Emereoc VehiclePreem tionlromair>iJoral ro rami , 25.000.00) , 26.000.00 <br /> Re ace 1990 Water Tanker , 11'5000,00) , 1105,000.01' , <br /> lEn' n.eFundCootr.lIMDOTStateAideslimale , 296.000 , , , , 190,076.00 , 281,508 , 00,675 , 108,788 <br /> Totals for 2007 , (1,41Il,60O.QO) . {441,OOO.~oJ , (llS,OOO.OO) . (~OO,oOa.OOI , , (15,g~4.oo) , 211,508.~0 , 94,175.00 . /1.312.00) <br />2008 fWorkina Cao.\ Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2008 $ 4,928,748 $ 70,882 $ - $ - $ 486,326 $ 66.849 $ 668.041 $ 349.939 <br /> 2008PMP.Recons\ruct , 2,245,000.00) , (1.331',1'00.00) , (200.000.00) , (500.000.00) , (2pD.DOO.OD) , 1'5,000.001 <br /> Count Road E Sidewalktm rovem8nts arid eSo monlNorthD lion , 1376.700.00) , /327,000.00 , 49700,00 B,ideSementSouth{)\ion.S346,000$299kCoo AL,$47kSlateAid <br /> ~"' Road E Side"-'alk 1m rovemenls(Norll1'Nalkl , 31'2900.1'1') , 302,900.00 SouthWalk$1~8,300 5tataAid <br /> SonitarySewefl&II.,i\ alionWafk . 1100,10000) , '100,100.01'1 <br /> StormPondMeinte""no~Projeot , 150,00000) , 150.000,00) <br /> 179,440.001 Soopet>a..dUponfeSUltsolinspeClKlnbyKTATatOLlrlC.(December,20051,includes 524.300 lor fence <br /> RealrSou\hWa\erTower , '7\1,440.00 ; and 20% lor en ineeri Screen and radin work com leledb O&M,notincluded;ncost <br /> BeskelballlTennis Court Reh"b,l~a\",n Hazelnut , 15.000.00) , 15.000.00 <br /> cn TrailS'nee , i25,POOOO , 25,000.00 <br /> S--lOPicku , 25,DOO.OD , 25,000,00 <br /> AssessmentPa ....Enler fiseFundContr.:MnDOTSlaleAld estimated , 441',000 , . , , 190,076.00 , 295,340 . 150.651 . lM.Oll <br /> Totals for 2008 , (3,219,140.00) , 1915.000.00) , (25,000.00) . (215,000.00) . , (102.524.00) , (154,680.00) , (128,789.00) , 48.97J.~0 <br />2009 IWorkinll Can.l Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2009 $ 4,013,748 $ 45,882 $ - $ 323,802 $ 187,811 $ 539,252 $ 398,912 <br /> 2009 PMP. Reoonslfucl , (1.233.00000) , (683,900.GD) . 200.000,00) , 250,1'1'1',1'01 , (51',000,01') , (50,00000 <br /> 20095e81coal , 177.1'00.001 , 177.00(00) Includos2,500forsealcoalin olF~a S\abon #1 parki '0' <br /> Storm Pond MaimeMnce Pro' cl , 50.000.01' , 50.000.00 Includes Removal 01 Sitl De sitsfmnnExisti C;IPorlds <br /> Saniter Sewer 1&1 Mili alion'Nork , (100.100,00 , HlO,100.00) <br /> Baskelt>allfTeonis Court Rehabil;taI;on Cit atlare , ib.OOO.DDI , 15,000.00\ <br /> f.2504,4Truck , DO.OOO.OOI . 30.l}{HlOO <br /> Groundsf,lasterwiBroom , (31'.00000 , 30.000.00 <br /> Floet.idePi,ku One Toow' HO;SI , 35,000.1'1'1 , 35.01'1',01'1 <br /> ReleceJelterTruok , 130,000.001 , 131'.000.1'1'1 <br /> Assossmen'Pa .IEntor riseFundCon~':l>.lnDOTSlat"Aod estimated , 347.000 ; , ; , 190,076.00 , 310.319 , 180.1'15 , 21'1',365 <br /> Totals for 2009 , 11.701,000.00) , /6".I8.E~0.00) , - , (215,000.00) , . 190,O76.~0 . 111,319_00 , 130,0'5.00 , 50.265.11D <br />2010 Workina CaoJ Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2010 $ 3.374,848 $ 45,882 $ - $ - $ 513,878 $ 177,492 $ 669.267 $ 449.177 <br /> 20HlPMP-ReODr>5Uuot , 12,195.000,00 . 700.000.00) . 200,000.001 , 8lI0,00(00) , (350,000.001 , 130,001'.01'1 , 15.000.00 $100.000 of Slate Aid \0 bea ;ed toSlorm Sewer Cosl. <br /> SoelhngAVMue Reg",nal Tra;1 , 600,000.00) , 800.000,001 ReseafcM possib,ityofgranls 10 tund this project. candidalelofferle,at! unds? <br /> Sanitar Sewer 1&1 Mi\ o\ionWork , (100,100.001 ; 100,100.00) <br /> BasketllalliT enn<s Courl Rehab~ilatKln ,,, ,Ilafe , 15,000.001 , 15000.00 <br /> f3500natonPickupwlDump , 162.001'.00) , {62,DOD,00 <br /> ToroGroundsmaslefw./6room . 132.0(000) , 132,000.001 <br /> Tra'Io'wi621 Plow , lDO.OOO,OO! , {50.000,001 , (50,000.00) <br /> S~id Sleer Loadef.lS<\Dw Bto.....~r , (28.1'1'1'.00) , /28,1'1'0,001 <br /> As.assmentra ....Ente f1seF''eA.d estimated , 529,001'.00 , , 190,Or8.00 , 31'0,1'00.01' , 175,001'.01' , 175,01'0.00 <br /> Totalsfor2010 , (3,332,100.00) . 11.143,1'1'0.00) , , (215.000.00) , , . (609,924.00) , (5D,DOD.001 , (5,OQO.DOI , 59.900,00 <br />2011 Workinll Can.l Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2011 $ 2,231,848 $ 45,882 $ - $ - $ 103.954 $ 227,492 $ 664,267 $ 509,077 <br /> 2011 PMP-Recons(ru~UMillandO'e,la , 811,000.001 , (496,000,00 , 200.000.00) , (5D,DDO.00 , 5D,DDO.DOI , 15.000,00 <br /> 2011Sealcoal ; 120,000.00) , 120,001'.1'1'1 <br /> Sani\"r $c;\lor III ~Iit; at;on'i!ark , (100.\0000) , ('OO,WO.OO) <br /> Baskelball"'TennisCourtRe~biMetion .Cil'atLafe , l~.ODO.OO) , 15.000.00 <br /> GroUrldSmaStefW,-'Bwom , (34,1'1'1'.00\ , /34,1'1'1'.00 <br /> Sru.I1Ch, , 50,000.00 , 50,000.001 <br /> f.2S0 Diesel Truc~ , 30,000.00) , 30000.(0) <br /> f.4500""ToniPlow , 62,1'1'0.00) , 1621'00,00 <br /> Assessmen\ Pa .I Enler ,is~FundContr :~lnDOT Stata A;d .stirnatold , 354,001'.01' . , 100,076.00 , 300,00000 , 175,000.00 , 175.000.01' <br /> Tolalsfor2011 , {l,222,10000) . {436,000.00) , , (215.000.00) , , , 190,076.00 , 250,01'0.00 , 125,000.00 , 59.900,00 <br />2012 Workinn Can,1 Fund Bafance Jan 1 - 2012 $ 1,793,848 $ 45,882 $ - $ - $ 294.030 $ 22,508 $ 789.267 $ 568,977 <br /> UllassinnedProiects <br /> Wesl Round Lake Raad Reoonslruc\ion , (1.51'1',0001'0 ; 1.100000.00) , , 21'1',000.1'0) , 150,1'1'1'.00 , '51',000.1'1' Palanttal lobe Full Fundedb Davela r? Amoonl LnG<>oeral Fund include. S35D,000 lrom TIF <br /> W~slRouridLake Trail , 1\20,000.001 , 120.DO{l,00 <br /> coum Road D Tfail , '150000.00\ . 150,00000 Time with Ramse Count Road 1m o\lements <br /> lexintonAvenueffailfe.uriacin . 150,00000\ , 50.1'00.00 Cost.unkr1<)wnat\h<stimo <br /> Sanitar Sower Sa "' "ndAoGes.s Road 3t LS::7 , 150000.001 , 151'.000.01') <br /> (estimated co.1 for construction and inspeclion io 2009. 620K in 2006 doll:lrsl: ~ dOM as 2 project., <br /> Raconstruct L~15talions ~I. ~11. ~'2. "'3 ; 700,000.001 , , 700000.00 11&IJfirst.l&12second <br /> SCA.QAS lamlnslallahon , 200(0000) , 25,QOOIJ1l , 175000,1'0 <br /> " acePle Structure. 'Jalanline Park , 55,1'01'.00 , 55.000.00 <br /> Valentine Park Imoro,emenlS Co.\s uolmown at this time <br /> Cotawa -Si ns CI~"elandiCoRdD, Le,i toni98 Ius 2-3addit;on.1 location , taD.OOO,DO , 180,000.00 Claval.r>iJ/Counl RoadOs nesli"",\ed a\ $30000 <br /> SoulhWalerTolVerExleriorCoali 'M' " . \50,000.01' , '51'.01'1'.00 ~-" neSlimatelromKTATalof,trlC. December,2005) """dMlanlic tedbefo,e2012 <br /> <br />Funding Source <br /> <br />Noles <br /> <br />G.Mfal Cap.tal Fund ,nclud.s PIR Fund. Nana.sessabla Street Fund. & Capil3l Equipment This lund <s drewn down lor In~ial [lfojecl di.bursemonl. (engi""afing and construction contractor) and Funded by resideot and busi""", asses.meOl payments <br />Assumed lhat $200,000 wOl be drawn Irom the general fund annuall~jor W~.I ,mprovemen\s <br />I nctudes TlF D<stfict 2 IRound Lake Busir>css O;StfiCII arid TIF Dislr"t 1 ICotlage Villasl . About $200,000 flF llala""e av.~abl. lor projects <br />Slale Ald Fund balance .ssumes .n~ual disbursemont Irom ~'nOOT 01 $190.1'76 b.s<><l upon currant lavels over the pasll0 yeaf.. Fund. r.,.,.,;ved from Slale Aid are apptied \0 the Geoeral Fund or lh~ Storm Wal", Fund, Whon .pplicable <br />Ut;lity Enlerprise fufld balancesassumea""[opera"n9.urplu.eaohlear'Nhichisd~so\ed\oward.CIP proiacts. Enterprise1Ur>d balances do take into aooourlt!he anlil;ipaled , evenue from increased uti!l\y ra\o. Which wcro basodupon\hes\udy The <br />UtHity rates ""edtobe ",.exam;ned or re-structu<ed if we dosiro to hav~ a higho,fundbatance than iscu"sntlYPfojsct.~, Afternativaly,we elthe, hav~to""ekotherrevenuesouroe<trcutba""onprojoots. <br />Curran\\J\ilrlymla,\udY9oaslhraugh20DS Ra\e,fof2010.~d2011 are estimates only <br /> <br />Addilionaloommenls- <br />It should ba noted thal fund bal~n"" ""ill .nd o.n cha"lle ,.d;calty it the p<oject ~o.fs ~hanlle or the City fatls short on revsouo ~ottodion orspsnding mors tt>ao anticipated on ""pai's. <br />