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<br />Dynamic signs: tentative settlement and adopted ordinance: News f... _id=ElectronicBillboa... <br /> <br />City of Minnetonka <br /> <br />Dynamic signs: tentative settlement <br />and adopted ordinance <br /> <br />Updated: JI,fonday, July 2. 2007 <br /> <br />A negotiated agreement with Clear Channel Outdoor allows limited use of <br />dynamic (electronic) billboards in exchange for the permanent removal and <br />restTiction of other off-site signs. <br /> <br />Dynamic sign ordinance <br />· :"!!~~rr_l::p_~I:! _t_~ _t!~: _~i_tx _C_~~!~~~I (l~~!,) <br /> <br />. :"!!~!'~ ~?!~~~I)~~I!~ !:~P?_I:t (~~ !,) <br /> <br />· :~~_?P_t~_~ _~~'_1~1l!~1}~_ ~!~!1_ .o.1:~.i~I_~~I_C_~ (P~!<) <br /> <br />At its Monday, May 14, study session, the Minnetonka City Council heard details ofa <br />ncgotiated agreemcnt with Clcar Channcl Outdoor that allows limited use of dynamic <br />(electronic) billboards in cxchange for thc penl1anent rcmoval and restriction of other off-site <br />signs. <br /> <br />"Minnetonka prohibits any cxpansion of billboards, but federal and state laws make it ncarly <br />impossiblc for citics to compel thc rcmoval of cxisting billboards," said Minnetonka Mayor <br />Jan Callison. "Clear Channel has agrccd to permanently remove one-half of their existing 30 <br />billboard faccs in Minnetonka, in exchangc for being allowed to convert eight of its <br />remaining billboard faces to dynamic signs." <br /> <br />City Manager John Gunyou confirmed that nearly all existing billboards along Highway 7, <br />County Road 101 and Minnetonka Boulevard will be removcd in the settlement of an <br />outstanding lawsuit. "Substantial public benefits result from this tradeoff, since the <br />billboards being removed are largely in residential, wetland and forcsted areas." <br /> <br />"We were pleascd to bc able to negotiate this win-win agrecment with the city of <br />Minnctonka," said Tom McCarver, Clear Channel Vice Presidcnt of Real Estatc and Public <br />Affairs. <br /> <br />1 of3 <br /> <br />7/4/2007 t 1:34 AM <br />