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<br />PTRC Strategies for Parks and Trails <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />8. South side of Highway 96 from North Heights Church on the east to Old Highway 8 and <br />Long Lake Regional Park on the west. <br /> <br /> <br />This trail segment completes the northem east-west arterial through the city by linking with <br />the existing trails along Highway 96. It would provide better access to city hall and the <br />development in TCAAP as well as providing safe access to the land and water-based <br />recreational opportunities afforded by Long Lake Regional Park, the Rice Creek trail system <br />leading to the Mississippi River, and Tony Schmidt. <br /> <br />9. Elmer L. Andersen Trail Designation <br /> <br />The PTRC will be working with Ramsey County Parks and Recreation to determine the exact <br />location and length of what will be recommended as the Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Trail. <br />A naming guideline policy will also be presented to City Council for their consideration for <br />approval. <br /> <br />10. Safe Routes to School Trail along County Road E2 - including connection to Venus Avenue <br /> <br />The City, County, and School District will partner to apply for a grant through the Federal <br />Safe Routes to School Grant Program. The segment oftrail that is being considered is the <br />south side of County Road E2 from Old 10 to New Brighton Road and the connection across <br />the street in the Ramsey County Open space - connecting the neighborhood. There is no <br />cash match for this grant. However, it is a reimbursable grant. <br /> <br />STRATEGIES FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING <br /> <br />Annual Events-suggestions/examples: <br /> <br />Spring: <br />Summer: <br />Fall: <br />Winter: <br /> <br />Flower Planting <br />Celebrating Arden Hills <br />Buckthorn eradication <br />Kid's ice fishing contest, snowman building <br /> <br />STRATEGIES FOR APPROPRIATELY MAINTAINING EXISTING PARKS AND TRAILS <br /> <br />Maintenance of existing Parks and Trails in the City should be provided on a regular and <br />anticipatory basis. <br />