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<br />City Council <br />Parks, Trails, and Recreation Funding Discussion <br />2 <br /> <br />The PTRC has been discussing and researching various funding options for parks and trail <br />improvements, including an email survey to other City Park Departments and inviting Sue <br />Iverson, City Finance Director to attend two meetings. After requesting information from other <br />Cities, it became apparent that there are no clear cut trends as to how to fund park improvements. <br />However, the options that the PTRC found to be a possibility and should be discussed as future <br />funding strategies include: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Bonding - In order to bond, the City would need to have this funding source <br />approved by a referendum. This funding source would be utilized for specifically <br />identified projects. It cannot be used simply to increase a fund balance. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Park Referendum - Ifthe PTRC identifies a specific project that they feel is <br />worthy of a Park Referendum, they would bring forward to the City Council a <br />recommendation with the reasoning and justification for such a funding resource. <br />This would also require a resident vote and therefore, it would require a group <br />effort to help it become successful and pass. This funding source would be <br />utilized for a specifically identified project. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />TIF District Funds - Use of funds after a TIP District expires is a possibility. <br />Once those properties come back on the tax roll, it is possible to allocate those <br />funds for a specific purpose. We have two TIP Districts, however, one will expire <br />in a couple of years and the other is further out in the future. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Levy Increase - The levy would only produce approximately $25,000 for every <br />1 % increase. This is not a significant amount of funding. However, City Council <br />could choose to increase the Park Fund Balance each year. <br /> <br />The PTRC also encourages the City to pursue other alternative funding sources whenever <br />possible such as: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Federal and State Grants - Grants can be extremely competitive and can be <br />difficult to obtain. Further, repeated efforts to solicit funding from this source <br />are crucial to success. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cooperative Agreements - The City has attempted to secure cooperative <br />agreements through MNDOT regarding improvements to County Road E. While <br />the application for the bridge on County Road E was not successful, there will be <br />other opportunities for cooperative agreements in the future. However, this will <br />again depend on the specific project. <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Sponsorships and Partnerships - Working with local businesses and <br />community colleges is strongly encouraged. The EDC Committee can help the <br />City establish working relationships with local businesses. While partnerships are <br />always welcome and a valuable part of the Parks system, they tend to be project <br /> <br />\\\ardenhills\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Memos\Memo to CC regarding Park Funding Discussion with PTRC07-4.doc <br />