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<br />f'rojectDescrlption <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FIVE YEAR SUMMARY 2006~2011 <br />REVISION DATE: January 18, 2007 <br /> <br /> Tolal Project Cost Ge7~~~ ~~filal Special Reve~ue Ger;e;;IIFUr.d Pu~lic Salety MnDOT Slate.l\id UtiliIFunds(5\ Comments <br /> Perl< Fu~d Capital Fund Coop. A reeme~t Fur.ds{41 SlormWater Water Sanitary <br />2006 {Workina CaD.1 fund Balance Jan 1 - 2006 $ 6,213,340 $ 187,882 $ - $ 302,250 $ 95.550 $ 735,528 $ 416,012 <br />2006 Ridgewood N.,;ghbmJlOoo Recon.truclion , 2.058,27g.00 , {1.000.58100) , {200.1lD0.00 ; (551.026.00 , (230,546.00) , (89.31>4.00) Updeled to include CMnge OrtJ8r #2 <br /> Recoru;tructLiflStalions#1,1tI1,#12.JtI3 , 35.000,00 , (35,000.00\ , Inee" Costsonl <br /> '0> SeMmidlParkUnder ~ , 32.000.00 ; 32,000.00\ Counl Pro'eGI.Anlici tedEarliostConstruction ,~ <br /> CSAHOOLandscain Enhancemenls , 120.407.47 , 120.407.471 , Total ro'elcostsa roximatel $360.000.remainde' idb Ramse Count <br /> s"mita Sewerl&IM~i alionWork Cil For~es) , 25.000,00 , (25000.00\ Need in ul from O&M on actual laoor/effort above normal bud elod labor and materials <br /> Basketball/TennisCourIReMaml~alion. Ro al rtiUsand Floral , 12000.00\ ; 12,000.00\ <br /> 3153SoorelineLaneDrivewa , 16.000.00 , 16.000.00 <br /> Vau Mn TowerAc~essRoad , 17.603.28 , 17.603.28\ <br /> AssessmenlPa .lEnler rise Fund Conlr./MnDOT SlaleAid estimatod , 311.000 , , , , 200,000.00 , 501,917 , 68,886 , 84,603 2oo5PMPStaleAid'eimbufSeme~tofS225.0oo IncludedinSlmm'NalerFundeontribulions <br /> Totals for 2006 , (2.316.2811-75) , (843,591.75) . (32,lltIo.OO) , (212,000.00) , , 200,000.00 , (49,1011.{1O) , (161.662.00) , (1)4.761.00) <br />2007 t'Workina Cao.t Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2007 $ 5,369,748 $ 155,882 $ - $ 502,250 $ (144,659 $ 573,866 $ 351,251 <br /> 2007PMP.MOIandOvenay , 764,500.00) , 532.000.00) , 200.00000) ; 20.000,001 . {2,50000) , (10.000001 <br /> 2007Sealcoat , 100,000,00) , 100.000.00) <br /> Old Hi hwa 10Sidewatklm ovements CP Ra~B,id e , 230.000.00 , 50,000.00 , 180,000,00 CoSlto, b,id aworkonl : I'al~ostsincluded as rl of Snell AvenyaReionalTrail " sed in 2010 <br /> StormPOndMainteMneeP,o' ct , 50.000001 , 50.1lD0,OO lncludes ROffiOval ot S~I De sits for Existin Cit Ponds <br /> Sanitar &werl&1 M~i alionWork , 100,100.00 , '00.100.001 <br /> BaskalbatlrTennis Cou'IReMabil~alio~_Cummi , , 35.000.00 , 35,000,00 <br /> Erner enc VehiclePreem tion ,ernainderof ..m , 26.000.00 , 26.000.00 <br /> " ece 1900 Waler Tanker , 105.000.001 , 105.000.00 , <br /> Assessment Pa IEnla, rise Fund Co~tr./ MnDOT 5tala Aid estimated , 296.000 , , , , 190.076.00 , 261506 , 96.675 ; 108,786 <br /> Totals for 2007 , (1.410,600_00) . 1441,000.(0) , (85.000.00) , (200.000_00) , . (15.924.00) , 211,503.00 , 94.175.00 . (1.312.001 <br />2008 (Workina Can.\ Fund Balance Jan 1 - 2008 $ 4,928,748 $ 70.882 $ - $ - $ 486,326 $ 66,849 $ 668,041 $ 349,939 <br /> 2008PMP-Reconstrucl , 2.245,000.00) , 1.330,000,00) . ( , 500,000.00) . 200000.00) , 15,000.00) <br /> Count Road E Sidewalk 1m olffimenls Brid eSa mentNo'lhO tion , 376700,00 , 327,000.00 ; 49.700.00 9<id e Se menl South 0 lion. 534B,000 $299~CO<l r,,$.47kStaJeAid) <br /> Count Road E Sidewalk 1m ovemams NOflhWal~ , 302,90000 , 302,800.00 SouthWalkSl48.300 StateA.;d1 <br /> Sanila,ySawert&lMiligalionWork , 100,100.00) , (100.100.00) <br /> S!oTmPondMainloMnceProjecl , 50,000,00 , 50,000.00) <br /> Re",,~SoulhWale,Tower 179,440.001 $copo basad upon resulls olinspect",n by KTATatOl. tne. (December. 2005 ) includes $24.300 for fanca <br /> , 79.440.00 , and200/0forenineeri Screen and radin worl<oomlatedh O&M. not ;ncluded;~ cost <br /> 6a.~..tball/Tennjs CourlReMabililalion Ha7.elnll( , 15.000.00 ; 15,000,OQ <br /> '" Tra,Sinaa , 25.000.00\ , 25.0oo.0Q\ <br /> 5-10Picku , 25.000.00 , 25.000.00 <br /> AssessmentPa ./En1er rise Fund Conlr.lI.tnOOT Slate Aid estimaled , 440,000 . ; , , 190,076.00 , 295.340 , 150,651 , 164.073 <br /> Totals for 2008 , (3,219,140.00l . ~15,OOO.(0) , (45.000.00) , (2t5.000.00) , , 1152,524.00) , (254.660.00) . (128.7-69.00l , 48,973.00 <br />2009 (Workin!-1 Cap.) Fund Balance Jan 1 ~ 2009 $ 4,013,748 $ 45,882 $ - $ 323,802 $ 187,811 $ 539,252 $ 398,912 <br /> 2009PMP-Recons1ruGt , 1.233,800,00 , 683.900.001 ; 200.0DllOO) . 250.000.00) ; 50,000.001 . 150,000001 <br /> 2009 Sealcoal , 77,000.00 , {77.00000) Includ~s 2,500forsea:Coatir>9 of Fir.. StalJOn;;<1 pafkinglol <br /> Sto,m Pond Maintenance Pro'aot , 50,00000 , 50.000.00 I neludes Removal ot S~I De sits from Existin Crt Ponds <br /> Sanilar Sewerl&IMili alionWo,k , 100,100,00 ; I tOO, 100.00\ <br /> 6askelbalI/Tennis Courl ReMabilitalion Cilat13re , 15.000.00\ , 15.000.00 <br /> F.2504x4T,uek , 30.000.00 , 30,000.00 <br /> Grouoo.Maslarw/B'OOf11 , 30.000.00 , 30,000.00 <br /> FfaelsidePicku One Ten wi Hoisl , 35.000.00\ , 35.000.00 <br /> Re,,"ce.letlerTruck , 130.000.00 , 130.000.00 <br /> Asses"",,,,,tPa./Enle rise Fund ConlrJMnDOT State Aid ""timated . 347.000 , , , , 190,076.00 , 310,319 , 180.015 , 200.3fj5 <br /> Totals for 2009 , ( . 1638.900.00) . , (215,000_00) , , 19n.076.tlO , 1n.319.00 , 130.015.00 , 50,265_00 <br />2010 IWorkina Card Fund Balance Jan 1 ~ 2010 $ 3,374,848 $ 45,882 $ - $ - $ 513,878 $ (177.492 $ 669,267 $ 449,177 <br /> 2010 PMP. Re<:onstruct , 2.19$,000.001 , 700.000.00 , 200.(0000) , 800,00000) ; 350,00Q,00 , 130.000.00) , (15.00000) 5'00.000 of State Aid to be appli8dlo Stofm 3ewarCost. <br /> Snellin AvenueRe ioMtT,a;1 . ElOO,OOO.OO , 800.000001 Research possib~~y of grants to fund lhis proiect Ce"didale for federal/unds" <br /> Sanilary Sewe, 1&1 MiligalionWork , 100.100.00 ; 100,100.001 <br /> 6askotbalI/Tennis Courl Rehabilitalion Cilateare , 15,000,00 . 15.00000) <br /> F.3S00nel@Picku wi Dum , 82,000.00 , 82,000,001 <br /> ToroGrOUndsmaslerw/B(oorn , 32,000,00) , 32,000,00 <br /> Tractorw1621 Plow , 100.000.00 , 50.000.00) ; 50,000,001 <br /> Skid Sleer Loader/Soow SIOW<lr . 28,000.00 . (28,000.00) <br /> As.essrnentPa ,/Enle' ,ise FundConlr./MnDOT SlaleAid estimated ; 529,000.00 , , 180.076.00 , 300.000,00 , 175,00000 ; 115.000.00 <br /> Totalsfor2010 , (3,332.100.00) , (1,143.000.00) , , (21S,000.00) , , ; (609.924.00) , (50.000.00) ; (5,000.001 , 59.000.00 <br />2011 (Working Cap.) Fund Balance Jan 1 _ 2011 $ 2,231,848 $ 45,882 $ - $ - $ 103,954 $ 227,492 $ 664,267 $ 509,077 <br /> 2011 PMP.R6Construct/M~laooOva,ia , 811000.00 , 498.000.00 . 200,000,00 , 50.000.00) , (50000.001 . 115.000.001 <br /> 2011 Sealcoal . 120,000.00 . 120,00000\ <br /> SanilarySewe'I&IMi~ alionWor~ , 100,100,00 ; il00.'00,OOI <br /> 6asketballfTennisCourlRehabilitalion Cilateara , 15,000.00) . 15.000,00\ <br /> Groundsmastarw/6room , 34,00000\ ; 134000,00 <br /> 9,ushCh; , , 50,000,00 , 50,000.00 <br /> F.250 D;asel Truck . 30,000,00 . 30,000.00 <br /> F.4500neToniPlaw , 62,000.00 . 102,00000 <br /> AssessmanlPa .I Enle ri,eFundConlr./ e,t;matcd , 354000,00 ; , 190.07ij.()0 , 300,000.00 , 175.000.00 , t75.000,00 <br /> Tolalsfor2011 , (1.222,100.00) , (43-6.000.00) , , {215.000,001 , , ; 190,076.00 , 250,000,00 , 125.000.00 , 59,900.00 <br />2012 Workina Cap.} Fund Balance Jan 1 ~ 2012 $ 1,793,848 $ 45,882 $ - $ - $ 294,030 $ 22,508 $ 789,267 $ 568,977 <br /> Unassi nedPro'ects <br /> Wesl Round Lake Road Reconstruclion , 1500.000,00 , 1,100,000.00\ , ; 200.000,00 ; 50.000.00 , 150.000.00 Polentialto be Full Fundedb Oovelo ar'Amounl,nGeneraIFundinGludasS350.000fromTIF <br /> WesIRaundLa~eTra' . 120000.00 , 120.00000\ <br /> CounlRoadDTral . 150000.00 . 150.000.00 T,me Ramsa Count Roadim rovements <br /> Le,i ton AverlUeT,ailresu,facin , 50000.00 , 50.000.00 Coslsun~nown allhishma <br /> Sanita S""",rSa ,; and Aceass ROad at eSJt7 . 150,00000 , '50,000.001 <br /> (estJmated cost lor conWuction and 'nsp~ctianin 2009, ij20K,n 20010 dollars); iI done a. 2 projects. <br /> ReconstrucleiflStations#1.#II,#12,#13 . 700,000.001 . , 700,000.00\ 11&13firotl&12second <br /> SCA.DASstemlnSlallalion , 200,000,00 ; 25.000.00 , (175.000.00 <br /> " ace Pia Structure-ValentinePa,k , 55,000.00 . 55,000,00 <br /> Valentir;eParklm rovame~ls CostsunMownallhist,me <br /> Gatewa SinsClevetandlCoRdOlexi 1000/96 lus2-3addilionallocalion , 180,000.00 , 180,000.00 Clavelaoo!Count RoadOs na5hma\edatS30.000 <br /> South Waler Tower Exteriof Coali aooeao , 150,000.00 , 150,000.00 Basedu neslima'eF'omKTATalor.lnc Dec~mber, 2005. neednolant",;aledbeFo,e2012 <br /> <br />FondingSource <br /> <br />Notes <br /> <br />1 General Capital Fuoo includesPIR Fund, NonassessableSlreelFund, & Capilal Equipment Thislund is d,awn down for Initial project disbu,semenls (enginee'in 8er.dconstructio~conlractor)and Funded bV resLdent and business assassrnenl paymenls <br />2. Assumed IMt 5200,000 will be drawn from the general ruM anrlUaUy fo' streel improvemams <br />3 IncludosTIF Dislric12 (Round Lake Business District) and TIF Disl,ict 1 (Collage Voiles) . About 5200.000 TIF ~alanceava~ablefor projects <br />4 Slale Aid Fund balance assumes annual disbursemenl from MnDOT af $lGO,076 !>.ased upon cu,",,,,,t leveb over the pasl10 years. Funds roceived ffam Stale Aid are applied la tho General Fund or the Storm Water Fund, when appticable <br />5 Util~y Enterprise fund balances assume a net operating surplus aach yea' which<><llowards QP proiects. Enle,prise fund balan""s do toke ;~to accounl the anticipaled revenue from increased utility,ales which wero basod upon the 'tudy Too <br />Ufility ntes naad to be r......"amined ef rc.structu,ed if we ,,",sire Ie haY<> a h;ghecfund bala""" than is eurrcnlly p,ojected. Alternalively. W<I aitho, havo to SMlk other ,eY<>nue ,ouree or ~ul ba~k On projocts. <br />Current Ul~~y rate study goes thrau8h 2009. Rales fo, 2010 and 2011 aro e.timaws only <br /> <br />Addjfjonalcomments' <br />Itshoytdbenotedlhaffundbalaneewillandt:an~hangoradj""llyiftheprojectCosls changeorthc Cityfatls shorl on revenUe eollection or spending mO<El tha n-ilntic;patodon,epaj",. <br />