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<br />~ <br />~HILLS <br />Request for Council Action <br /> <br />Agenda [tern: <br /> <br />......................... ..m BudgetedAmounf ....... ..:: . .....~Q <br />Actual Amount: $500 <br />Funding Source: ..".....". _ _ _____<?_~_~~E~.I.".IE"~~~_c!=__M_!.!x~.~,..~,_"~l?_~~_~!_!. <br /> <br />7.C. <br /> <br />Prepared By: Michelle Olson .,.." <br />Dept.: PUblic-Works <br />Council Mtg. Date: ..........."."... - ---------- J"urie-25,2-o1ff--.- <br />Final Action Needed By: ....~}". <br /> <br />[~9J)nc11J~fip=~]m1fqti~~~1.ftfu'iliRmtgi]JmL"._"."_"___________._._....,..,..,..,.".""__________._.__._..,."_._._.___~_______.______....................._._____________..........,.........____________,...........................__________......................_.__________........."._. <br />iStaff is requesting direction from the City Council on how to proceed with the Lake Johanna Improvement Society request and also on the! <br />I possibility of requesting assistance from the PTRC in drafting a Wild Animal Management Policy. ' <br /> <br />Staff is requesting direction from the City C-oii-nCifo'Jl'''how-to-pr()"cee,fwltil-the'''Lake''J"ohan-niiTmprovemenfS'oci'ety-requesfii'ntfiifso-o'n'''t"h'e <br />,possibility of requesting assistance from the PTRC in drafting a Wild Animal Management Policy. <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />!The PTRC recommends the City of Arden Hilis contribute $500 to the Lake <br />iJohanna Improvement Society Goose Removal Program for 2007. The motion i <br />'r carried 6~1. <br /> <br />_____._........"."."m___________.._............."..."_________ __.____........m.""m_________._._.........."m_________.._.....".....____.__.........".. <br /> <br />iPTRC: <br /> <br />: 06/19/07 <br /> <br />i:SjjjYj!ft\tli!igjID:O:cililllj!~Jilfiil~~i'jI!ifl01fs~. <br />X i Memo/Letter: Dated 06/20/07 from Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br /> <br />'Resolution No.: <br />iOrdinance No.: <br />!Engineering Recommendation: <br />.. "._________.........".".".".._ ___n__......."."...._____ __.........."..."..m_______ .__.......".".._..______ ._........."."".."____ _._........".".""".____ ____._............."._______ ___._..."...._..________ <br />!Attorney Recommendation: <br /> <br />f------t <br /> <br />! X IOther: <br /> <br />10/16/06 City Council Work Session Minutes, Reque'st letter from-take Johanna Improvement SocTety <br />dated 03/15/2007, Response letter from Karen Barton dated 3/26/07, and public inquiry information <br />provided from Jennie Michels at the May 29,2007 Regular Council Meeting. <br /> <br />~Qarrclal~1mp)1Hawn~~FG~~l'~ <br />; If the City Council chooses to contribute to the Lake Johanna Improvement Society, in previous' years it has been charged to the General <br />i Fund - Mayor & Council- Miscellaneous Community Projects. However, this $500 contribution was not put in the budget for 2007. <br /> <br /> <br />\\\ardenhiIls\PR&PW\Parks\Memos\Council Actions\ Wild Animal Management 607.doc <br />