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<br />Meeting Minutes - TCAAP City CouncilPlanning Commission Worksession <br /> <br />3. Members of the public actively participated in the open house small group discussion on <br />the 3 preliminary plan alternatives, providing the planning team with their 3 favorite and <br />3 least favorite plan elements. The public also participated in an exercise where they <br />provided the planning team with design character priorities in the "visual listening" <br />workshop. <br /> <br />II. Review of Public Comments received at the April 26'h Open House <br /> <br />I. The results of the public comments received at the April open house were provided to <br />Joint Committee members in the following forms: <br /> <br />a. Memos including all written comments received on the 3 plan <br />alternatives. <br /> <br />b. Plan maps illustrating where the public indicated their favorite <br />and least favorite plan elements (green and red dots) <br /> <br />c. Chart indicating the responses of the "Visual Listening" <br />exercise. <br /> <br />2. The following were common themeslcomments received on the 3 plan alternatives <br /> <br />a. With a few exceptions, there was general agreement on the need <br />for a mix of land uses and the general land use locations <br />displayed in the three schemes. <br /> <br />b. The desire for a continuous central open space with good public <br />access. <br /> <br />c. A preference for fronting the central open space with a variety of <br />home types across a parkway. <br /> <br />d. Connecting open spaces and community destinations with a <br />comprehensive trail system that serves pedestrians and bicyclists. <br /> <br />e. Preserve views to National Guard open spaces, particularly the <br />Kame. <br /> <br />f. Provide a variety of housing choices including housing for <br />seniors and affordable options. <br /> <br />g. Concern about the design of retail development. <br /> <br />h. Preference for small retail shops and services. <br /> <br />1. Concern about large fields of surface parking. <br /> <br />J. Concern about need for road connection to County Road I. <br /> <br />2 <br />