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<br />Project Development Process for Highway 10/County Road 96 <br />July 23, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />As illustrated in the graphic on the previous page, there are four primary phases to a typical highway <br />improvement project; I) planning phase, 2) preliminary design phase, 3) final design/right-of-way <br />acquisition phase, and 4) construction phase. The 10/96 project is currently in the first phase (planning) <br />where the purpose and need for a project is substantiated and conceptual drawings are developed to solve <br />the identified problem. The second phase (preliminary design) is where the process becomes more <br />rigorous and delails studied and resolved. There are two principal components of the second phase; one is <br />to assess the project SEE impacts, and the other is to refine the design to avoid and/or minimize SEE <br />impacts. This phase in the project development process must be completed and a public hearing held <br />before any land can be purchased. Typically this phase requires 8 months or more to complete. Specific <br />to 10/96, there are two particular issues that will require extensive study during the preliminary design <br />phase; the issue of highway noise and the need to determine an approach to relocating several affected <br />residents within triangular area bordered by 1-35W, Highway 10 and County Road 96. Both of these <br />issues are normally studied and resolved during the environmental review process. <br /> <br /> <br />A detailed noise analysis will be conducted to determine the current noise levels at residential areas near <br />the proposed 10/96 improvements and what the future noise levels are projected to become with and <br />without the proposed improvements_ This information will be used to compare noise levels within the <br />project area with state and federal noise standards. Where standards are exceeded, noise mitigalion <br />studies will be conducted. This will ultimately include the analysis of the feasibility and cost <br />effectiveness of noise walls. 1 would suggest that the limits of this noise study extend south of County <br />Road 96 to 1-694 so that current noise issues along Highway 10 can also be studied at this time. The noise <br />mitigation study results will be used by the City, Mn/DOT, and Ramsey County to determine if noise <br />abatement should be included in the project. <br /> <br />The relocation study will first determine every effort available to minimize the number of relocations <br />necessary through the project design. This study will encompass the entire triangular area bordered by 1- <br />35W, Highway 10 and County Road 96. Once the number of relocations is delermined a study of <br />available housing will be conducted. It is expected that the stick built homes and any businesses will be <br />handled in accordance with the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Act. For the <br />manufactured homes a more extensive up front effort is anticipated due to the number of potential <br />relocations. Initially we will determine the number of available lots (vacant or for sale) within Arden <br />Manor. In addition, the owner of Arden Manor will be consulted to determine if additional lots could be <br />created through expansion within the development. The relocation study will next begin an outward <br />search to inventory the surrounding manufactured home communities to determine the available vacant <br />lots and manufactured homes for sale. The results of this effort will be documented and made available to <br />the public. In addition, an extensive outreach effort will be undertaken to explain the findings along with <br />the relocation process that will be followed ifthe project is advanced to the next phases. <br /> <br />The EA will include documentation of the above special studies along with a full review of all the SEE <br />impacts normally studied. The EA must be reviewed and approved by the City, Mn/DOT and Ramsey <br />County. The EA will be published and distributed for public/agency review and a public hearing will be <br />held during the required 30-day comment period. Once the comment period is over a Negative <br />Declaration on the need for an EIS and a Finding of No Significant Impact will need 10 occur prior to <br />proceeding with Final Design and Right-of-Way acquisition. <br />