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<br />Project Description <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM FIVE YEAR SUMMARY 2007~2012- DRAFT <br />REVISION DATE: August 16, 2007 <br /> <br /> I Total Project Cost "R s~:~a~~;~~~~e Gene~~1 Fund Equip/Bldg Public Safety MnDOT ;~~t:~~~~ Utili Funds , Comments <br /> Fund " lacement C. italFund . Coo .A rooment EOA TIF#2 RL Storm Water Water Sanila <br />iii'6'Y0+ygwJ.ldU~~~lfu'na~~"'an'11#.itiit~:^"';E:bj$i$i=:^=.'t,_~ iJ' ;91'" ;~e '$EJ70'i> "55> . ~ ~d7fil,'i" :'_",,'0*,5 !<<is' 0: ,::;;:~~';;:; 'Jt41 :::*SSi38(f. "'-~;;::':::,'i;2s ~= ~ ; -~=""fa "m; <br /> 211117PMP_Mill and Overta , 76451111 $ 532111111 $ 21111111111 S 2110llll $ 25110 $ 1110011 <br /> 211117Sealcoat $ 1111111110 $ 101101111 <br /> Storm Pond Maintenanc.. Pro'..ct $ 51111011 $ 51101111 Includ"sRemoval of Silt De osits for Existin cn Ponds <br /> 5anita Sewerl&IMiti ationWo~ $ 1001011 $ 1001011 <br /> BasketballITennis Court Rehabilitation _ Cummin , $ 350011 . 351100 <br /> Ass..ssmentPa /Enter rise Fund Conk/ MnOOT State Aid estimated 251111110 $ 227511 $ , SO> $ 192.496 $ . 165996 $ 2815118 S 96675 $ 108788 <br /> Tolals for 2007 $ 1,049,600 382,1100 $ 12,250 $ 184,862 $ $ 192,496 $ 16S,996 $ 94,175 $ <br />2lll)'80J.;C;:- Wi" :Fti~_,_n~ -"-i1t,,"'2oaaL_~"'~-- ~-'-- _. .. $.'7'-"'-' --:;-;;"9: ~ .. -~~-- :r~::74&i <br /> .. <br /> 2008PMP-Reconstruct Glenardan/Rid ..wood.Asbu , 22451100 $ 13300011 $ 1201l01l0 $ 5011000 $ 200000 , 15000 <br /> Senila Sewer 1&1 Miti ationWork $ 100100 S 100100 <br /> StormPondMaintanancePro'ect $ 50000 $ 500011 <br /> R, air South Water Tower $ m~ $ m~ Based on ins , KTATator 12105 InclS2 300/Fence 20o/dEn , <br /> BasketballITennis Court Rehabilitation-Hazelnut $ 1501111 $ 1501111 <br /> Yalentine Park Draina eStud $ 20000 $ 20000 <br /> HazelnutWarmin House Move $ lS000 $ 15000 <br /> frisbee Golf Course $ 8000 $ 80011 <br /> OldHi "~ 10 Sidewalk 1m rovements CPRailBrid . $ 23110011 $ 100000 $ 130000 <br /> C; TrailSi "' , $ 25000 , 25000 <br /> Emer ene YehiclePreem tion remainder of '" <om $ 26000 $ 261100 <br /> R' lace 1990 Water Tanker $ 125000 S $ 62500 $ 625110 <br /> 800 MHz Radios $ 8000 $ 8000 . ortabloradiosforEme '" Mana ement <br /> S_tllPicku $ 28000 , 281100 <br /> Gatewa ,; " ClevelandlCoRdD ton/96 Ius 2-Jaddltional10 $ 100011 $ 10000 <br /> Office Ex ansion $ 421100 , 420011 <br /> Technol IOfficeE ,; m,m $ 10000 $ 111000 <br /> AssessmentPa .I Ente rise Fund Contr.lMnOOT State Aid estimated $ 460000 S 22750 $ $ 184862 $ 190076 S 18250 $ 165996 S 295340 $ 150651 S 164073 <br /> TOlals for 2008 $ 3,036,54lI $ 898,01lG $ 125.250 $ 257,000 $ 10,000 $ 176,862 $ $ 274,6611 $ 191,289 $ <br />OMF'f'S';:' ' EUil1Hliilii~'~""_""='''''7~_~~M_3Gfu --_.- - ..~ ":::::@:af , ~~M (;;$+;:s.~ ." ~:rn;' . ;s:~ " .~ ~ '" z;~~f <br /> 21109 PMp. Reconstruct Noble"ei hborhood $ 12339110 , 683900 $ 2000011 $ 250000 S 5011011 S 50000 <br /> 21109Sealcoat $ 1011000 $ 1000011 Includes25110fors.ealcoatin of Fire Station #1 ark,n 'm <br /> West Round Lake , 1700000 $ 750000 $ $ 200000 $ 3S0000 $ 2501100 $ 1SIIOllO pot..ntialtobeFundedb Oevelo , <br /> West Round Lake Trail $ 120000 $ 120000 <br /> Storm Pond Maintenance Pr -ect $ 501100 $ SO 000 Includes Removal of Silt 00 os,ts from Existin C; Ponds <br /> Sanila Sewerl&IMit! ationWork $ 1001110 $ 100100 <br /> BasketballfT..nnlsCourtRehabilitation_Cit atLar , $ 15000 S 15000 <br /> F-250 4x4 Truck , 300011 $ 30000 <br /> Lar e Area Mower R' lacin 1998 GroundsMaster w/Broom $ 6110011 $ GOOlllI <br /> FleelsidePicku On.. Ton wi Hoist $ 35000 $ 350011 <br /> R, laC9Jett..rTruck $ 130000 $ 1311000 <br /> Gatewa $; " ClevelandlCoRdD Lexin onl96 Ius 2-3 additional 10 $ 10000 $ tOOtlO <br /> Technol IOlficeE ,; ~,' $ 100110 $ 100011 <br /> AssessmentPa .I Enler rise Fund Contr.lMnDOT State Aid estimated -!i'''~C: 51101100 $ 22750 $ $ 184862 S 190076 $ 18250 $ 165996 S 310319 $ 1811015 S 2110365 <br /> Totals for 20119 $ 1,288,900 $ $ 215,000 $ 10,Otlll $ $ $ $ $ 50,265 <br />21l'1lt'-',y;/i;W.w "'Et -'iejj~';j.ilJa::~.flI'-=~'M::::::;" .. 0$ "',;;,;-" 8~ . . ',$i!:!~ _":::::-;434: <br /> 2t110PMP-Reconstruct OldSnellin A., $ 700000 $ 200000 S 8011000 $ 35011110 $ 130000 S 15000 $100 000 of Slate Aid to be a liod to Storm Sewer Costs <br /> Snell;n AvenueRe ionalTrall $ 800000 $ 800000 Research ossib!lit '" rants to fund this ro'ect:candidateforfederalfunds? <br /> " 10fCo Rd 96 , 2112500 $ 2112500 <br /> Sanita Sewer 1&1 Miti ationWork $ 1110100 S 100100 <br /> Coun Road E Sidewalk 1m rovernents B", ,', mentNorlh0 "" $ 376700 $ 3271100 $ 49700 Brid .., ment South 0 tion.S346,OOIl S299kCoo .A c. S47k Slate Aid <br /> Count Road E Sidewalk 1m rovements North Walk $ '" '"' $ 31129110 SouthWalkS148300 State Aid <br /> BasketballlTennis Courl Rehabilitation.Ci "Co , $ 150011 $ 151100 <br /> R, lacePla Structure-Valentine Park $ 550(10 $ 551100 <br /> F-3S0 One ton Picku wi Dum $ 62000 $ (;2000 <br /> ToroGroundsmasterwlBroom $ 321100 $ , ,OS <br /> Tractorwl621 Plow $ 100000 $ 50000 $ 5011110 <br /> Skid Sleer Loader/Snow Blower $ 28000 $ 281100 <br /> Gatewa ,; " Cleveland/CoRdD Lexin ton/96 Ius 2-3 addilional I $ 101100 $ 10000 <br /> Technol /OfficeE ,; ment $ $ 111000 <br /> ASS<lssmentPa JEnter rise Fund Contr./MnOOT State Aid estimated ~ 45S000 S 22750 $ 184862 $ .St^' 18250 $ 165996 S 31100110 175000 S 17S000 <br /> Totalsfor2010 $ 1,217,000 $ $ 472,5110 $ 111,0110 $ 184,862 327,000 $ 5,000 $ 59,900 <br />:wt _w" lRldtfLC'"',Jrliiid '~ii:2Illl'_~ ^~€ . :c .-~ '755: .""", ~'=Slji29 ."" '8iJ8' <br /> 21111 PMP- ReconstructfMill and Ov..rla Amble Rd-Various Overt , $ 496000 $ 200000 S 15110110 $ 50000 $ 15000 <br /> 2011Sealcoat $ 1200011 $ 12111100 <br /> Sanila S..werSa ,; and Access Road at LS #7 $ 15110011 S 150000 <br /> Sanita Sewerl&IMili ationWork $ 10111011 $ 1001011 <br /> 8asketballlTennisCourtRehabilitation_CiI alLar , $ 15000 $ 1511011 <br /> GroundsmasterwlBroom $ 34000 $ 341100 <br /> BrushChl , $ 50000 $ SOl/OO <br /> F_250 Diesel Truck $ 30000 $ 301100 <br /> F-450 One TonlPlow $ 620011 $ 62000 <br /> TrailerRe lacement Skidsteer/Roller $ 10000 S 111000 <br /> Galew ,; " ClevetandlCoRdO Lexin lonl96 Ius 2_3 additional I $ 100011 $ 10000 <br /> Technol /OfficeE ,; menl $ S 1110110 <br /> AssessmentPa .I Enter rise Fund ContrJMnOOT Slate Aid estimated $ 2111000 $ 22750 $ 184862 $ 190076 $ 18250 $ 165996 S 3110000 $ 1750011 $ 175000 <br /> Totals for 2011 $ ~ 582~0~ 22,750 $ /225.1100 $ /10,0011 $ 184,862 $ $ 1911,076 250,000 $ 125,0011 $ 90,100 <br /> ':c>'"; j;;iiriitBiilliia'~~20' *Y~-r__" ~.. ..~ , .. .-." . -. " lli' :$~',0^,~'::Sll~ - >73l14t" <br /> PMPReconstruct $ 4330110 $ 200000 S 200000 S 5111100 $ 151100 <br /> Z002 f-450 One TonRe lacement $ 640110 $ 64000 <br /> lexin tonAvenueTrailr"surfae,n $ 500110 $ SIIOIlO <br /> Gatewa ,; " ClevelandlCoRdD Lexin ton/96 Ius 2.3 addilional I $ 1111100 S 10000 <br /> Technol /OfficeE ,; ~" $ $ 10000 <br /> ASSllssmentPa .lEnt" rise Fund Contr./MnDOT State Aid estimated - 2001100 $ , 'SO $ 184862 $ ~ $ 182511 $ 16S996 $ ~ $ 1751100 S 175000 <br /> Totals for 2012 $ 283,0~ 22,7511 $ 2011,0011 $ 10,0011 $ 184,862 $ $ 28,2511 $ 16S,996 $ $ 125,0110 $ 96,000 <br />:;;8;:20,;;-:: Wriifif^^:ia---:; 'f"nti'Sf;(ia'D;el,L31T'dlft \31:1: tllY,~'" :$=:-:=, ;;$;;m~~^ ' . .., "'-J2?SU6;S68'! 'i$t1B$;0S$Oll'1 <br /> Fu(urePro'ectsIAc uisitions <br /> 2013 PMP MilIlDv"rla $ 489672 $ 476070 $ 13602 <br /> 2014 PMP MIII/Overl $ 102168 $ 99330 $ 2838 <br /> 2013 Coun Road 0 Trail $ 2511000 $ 5011110 $ 2000011 <br /> 2013 Reconstruct utt Stations #1 '" '" '" $ 7500011 $ $ 7S0000 estcostforcons!/in in 2013 620Kin2006$s;ifdoneas2 '" 11&13 firs 1&12 second <br /> 2013 SCADAS stern Installation $ 200000 $ 25000 S 175000 <br /> 2013 South Wat"rTower ExteriorCoatin andLo 0 , SOl/,OOO $ 500,000 <br /> <br />Funding Source <br /> <br />Noles. <br /> <br />I. Assumed that $200,000 will be drawn from the general fund annually for improven,ents <br />2. State Aid Fund balance aSSUmeS annual disbursement from MnDOT of$190,076 based upon cummt levels over the past 10 years. Funds receiVfld from State Aid are applied (0 the General Fund orthe Storm Water Fund, when applicable. <br />3. Utility Enterprise lund balances assume a net operating surplus each year wl>ich is di....cted lowards CIP projects. Ent..rprise fund balances do take into ac<:ount the anticipated reVenUe from increased utility rates which w.ore bas..d upon the study. The <br />Utility rates ""ed to be r......xamined or re-struelur..d if we desire to have a high..r fund balance than is currently projected. Alternatively, we either have 10 seek olher revenue sou",", or cut back on projects <br />Currant Utility rate sludy goes through 2009. Rates for 2010, 2011. and 201 2 are estimates only. <br />4. Assumed operating same as 2007 for revenue to these funds. <br /> <br />Additionaleomrnents: <br />It should be noted that fund balanc.. will and can change radically ifth eprojectcostschang..ortheCityfallsshorlon....v..nuecollectionorspending more thananlicipaled on repairs. <br />